The mute ulcer of the stomach and its symptoms

Such a thing as mute stomach ulcer is nothing more than a kind of disease that occurs without pronounced symptoms. That is, the pathology is "silent" without showing any signs until the situation worsens. This is why it is dangerous, because it can develop peacefully for many years, despite the fact that a person does not even suspect it. From the total number of lesions of the deep tissues of the stomach, cases of silent ulcers are about 15%.

However, the symptoms of mute ulcers all the same manifest, but most people, as a rule, do not pay attention to them. A suspicion of the presence of the disease can be on such minor signs as periodic and short heartburn and belching after eating.

But most often the mute stomach ulcer is detected with a preventive examination or planned gastroscopy, and the diagnosis sounded by the doctor becomes a complete surprise for a seemingly normally feeling person. And some people even after revealing pathology do not tend to change their way of life, being sure that if there are no painful symptoms, then there is no problem. But this is a mistake. The mute ulcer does not differ from the usual, and it can also lead to exacerbations associated with internal bleeding or perforation of the walls of the stomach.

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Why are the symptoms of mute stomach ulcers so weakly expressed?

"Silent" disease does not make itself felt for the simple reason that the lesion is in a place in which there is a very small number of pain receptors. They are very few, and they simply can not give a strong enough pain impulse, which a person is able to feel. Some see this as a significant plus, but the disadvantages are much greater.

If the usual stomach ulcer delivers constant inconvenience to its owner, which makes it possible to react in time and consult a doctor, then with a mild form of the disease the symptoms only appear if the code is exacerbated. Often, therapeutic methods are already becoming ineffective, and only surgical intervention is able to cope with the problem.

For doctors, it is one of the most difficult types of disease. And not because it is difficult to treat, but because at the initial stage it is revealed purely by chance, and in most cases it is detected even when the pathology takes on an acute form.

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