How is acumetry performed( measurement of hearing acuity): indications for procedure

Hearing disorders occur in people quite often. To determine the degree of pathology and to select effective treatment, various diagnostic studies are carried out. One of them is acumetry. There are a number of varieties of this procedure, each of which is characterized by some features.


This term means a method of detecting auditory disorders, which allows you to evaluate the sensitivity to sound waves of different frequencies.

Indications for the

study Acumetry should be performed in such cases:

  • acute and chronic form of sensorineural hearing loss;
  • of the middle ear;
  • otosclerosis;
  • persistent otitis media in children.

Technique for performing

There are several types of acoustics that have certain characteristics. The choice of a specific technique should be selected by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics.


This method is the most objective. He does not need direct involvement of the patient.

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The diagnostic procedure is completely automatic. Because it can be used in children, including newborn babies.

To perform the procedure, electrodes and headphones are attached to the patient's head. The image of the curve appears on the monitor, which reflects the dependence of brain reactions on sounds. This type of research may well be carried out in a dream.

Thanks to its implementation, it is possible:

  • to diagnose a congenital anomaly of hearing;
  • identify areas of damage to the hearing organ;
  • establish the quality of hearing in conditions of noise, as well as with physical disabilities that interfere with the normal contact of the patient and the doctor.


This technique is the simplest procedure for examining the extent of auditory disorders. It involves the use of spoken and whispered words. It is important to consider that adequate perception of speech depends on not only the level of hearing. This process is influenced by general development and vocabulary.

This method of assessing acuity is often used to determine the effectiveness of hearing aids. It is very useful to use as an addition to tonal acuity.


With this type of study, you need to study the sensitivity threshold for sounds that differ in different frequencies. The procedure is carried out in the interval 125-8000 Hz.

In this case, the specialist must determine the level that the patient hears. Also, using tonal acuity, you can identify the maximum threshold of discomfort, which is considered the limit for a particular person.

A special device is used for this examination. Using headphones, a person is given a beep. He must press a button in response to a specific sound stimulus. Such a study is suitable for children. But for this, the game form is usually used.

Thanks to this procedure it is possible:

  • to detect hearing impairment of a certain frequency;
  • differences in the sensitivity of each ear.

What is the use of the acrometry:

What does the

study do? Thanks to the performance of the acoustics, the following results can be achieved:

  • to determine the perception of speech;
  • to detect hearing impairment;
  • to investigate auditory activity.

Acumetry is a very effective procedure that allows you to achieve excellent results and establish the extent of hearing impairment. Thanks to this, the doctor can choose the optimal treatment.

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