Proper nutrition of a sick home immediately after a stroke

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1 What includes the therapeutic diet

At the first time after a stroke, the patient may experience certain problems with chewing food, swallowing, not to smell or taste food on one side or the other side of the mouth. In addition, it is not uncommon for problems with saliva to develop, it is simply not enough for normal chewing and swallowing.

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To begin with, you should make it a rule that a patient should not be given too much hot food, he can simply not feel it and accidentally get a burn of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. All food should be moderately warm. When preparing food, take care that it is appetizing in appearance and has a pleasant aroma. Appetizing smell contributes to increased production of saliva, which is especially true for its lack. This little trick will greatly facilitate the patient's chewing and swallowing process.

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When preparing hard or dry products, they should be softened as much as possible by adding water and boiling, if possible. Solid foods need to be finely chopped to avoid the need for them to bite off. It is not desirable to give the patient viscous foods or vegetables, for example, a banana. It will be very difficult for them to chew and swallow.

Liquid foods( soups) need, on the contrary, a little thicken. The same must be done even with liquids. Alternatively, you can use dried milk for this.

You should never rush a patient when taking food. On the contrary, you should increase the meal time to 30-40 minutes. This will give him the opportunity to thoroughly and slowly chew lunch or dinner and not be afraid to choke.

After you finish eating, you need to make sure that there is not a single piece of food left in the mouth. At the same time, if a person can not remove it on their own, one must necessarily help him. After the completion of this process, the patient should be in a sitting position for some time, at least 20-30 minutes.

2 Periodicity of meals and restrictions in choosing the menu

After a stroke, a person should eat often, but in small portions. At the same time, you do not need to do them as calorically as possible, because the person basically lies, and calories will simply have nowhere to put.

In the process of cooking, you need to minimize the use of salt and spices. Reducing the amount of salt used in cooking helps to normalize blood pressure, which is especially important for hemorrhagic stroke.

Foods containing animal fats in large quantities, it is better to exclude, preferring complex carbohydrates or vegetable fats. This will reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, a high amount of which can provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques. These plaques often cause the occurrence of an ischemic stroke.

That's why after suffering a stroke from the patient's menu you need to exclude all fatty, spicy, salty, fried and floury. Food should be steamed or boiled.

In addition, contrary to popular belief about the benefits of broths, it is better to minimize their presence in the diet. Patients should not be given strong meat, fish or mushroom broths, as they can increase blood pressure, which should not be allowed. Under the ban also get strong tea, coffee and any alcoholic beverages, regardless of how long you have suffered a stroke.

3 Recommended products

The menu must necessarily include products that boast a high content of potassium, folic acid, magnesium and fiber, because they are very useful for the cardiovascular system.

Mainly it's vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables, cabbage, beet and spinach occupy a priority place. In a small amount in the daily diet should be present onions with garlic. In this case, vegetable salads should be on the menu daily.


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Blueberries, cranberries and figs are powerful natural antioxidants that promote the removal of free radicals and the maintenance of the body. You can eat any fruit, except those that contain a lot of glucose.

Among all types of meat you need to choose low-fat varieties, the best bird or rabbit. Fish should also be included in the diet, because it is a source of phosphorus. Sea fish is the best choice, if there is no way to include it in the menu, you can use low-fat river species.

In addition, of seafood necessarily include the menu of sea kale. It can be in the form of a separate dish, seasoned with vegetable oil, or at least as an additive.

Dairy products should also not be greasy, they should not be abused. Brown rice, oats and wheat will help to recover faster after the disease.

Butter should be limited to the maximum, replacing it with any kind of vegetable - olive, sunflower, corn, etc.

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Do not forget about the drinking regime. The total volume of fluid that a patient should drink, not including soups, should be at least 2 liters per day. It can be ordinary clean water, diluted juices or compotes. You should avoid sweet carbonated drinks.

Proper and balanced nutrition should be adhered to not only during treatment after a stroke or rehabilitation period, it should become the basis of life. After observing the necessary diet, you can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure and lose weight.

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