What is the carotid sinus and location in the human body

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1 How to find the body

Probably everyone knows where the carotid artery is located - in the side of the neck. But there, in fact, the vessel is divided into two parts: the outer and the inner. Between them and is a carotid sinus, represented in the form of a small bulge. This is a kind of miniature copy of the pump pump, which plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure in general. Naturally, any violations in the work of the sinus affect the circulatory system as a whole.

Is it possible to probe the carotid by itself? For palpation, only its external branch is available. It is a vessel that is literally under the skin ball and several muscle fibers( which play the role of protection in this case).And already under the inner end of the lower jaw is a carotid sinus. By the way, it's much easier for men to feel it. It is enough just to clasp your Adam's apple, then move your palm upward, that is, to the jaw. Immediately you can feel the pulse and the place where the carotid body is located. The same instruction will apply to women, but the Adam's apple in them will be conditional.

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In the sinus area, there is also a cluster of nerve endings that are responsible for the functioning of the tongue, some muscle groups that are located in the oral cavity. Strong squeezing in this zone also allows an early diagnosis of the reflex function, and not only the operation of the vascular system.

2 Deviations from the norm

Sometimes a carotid sinus may be located with some deviation in physiology. As a rule, the following conditions precede the emergence of such a pathology:

  • prolonged hypertension of the 3rd stage;
  • individual pathology;
  • vascular deformation;
  • other diseases of the liver and kidneys.

In this case, the carotid artery may be slightly deeper than its traditional location, and palpation to affect the carotid sinus is not possible.

In no case it can not be probed with a strong pressure! Even short-term squeezing of the carotid artery can lead to irreparable consequences. There are also cases when this is not considered a deviation from the norm. As a rule, this is the same pathology as the location of the heart on the right side. That is, just a person is not like everyone else, but it does not affect his health in any way. So, the carotid sinus is the so-called process, which is located in the place where the carotid artery divides into the outer and inner( sometimes they are also called the upper and lower, but this is not entirely correct).Physiologically located in the area of ​​the linguistic nerve, under the lower jaw. You can feel it by placing your fingers under the larynx in the area of ​​the Adam's apple and lifting your palm higher. In the same place, the pulse is clearly felt, since the carotid sinus takes a direct part in the work of the cardiovascular system and regulates blood pressure.

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