What is the brain meningioma and possible consequences of the disease?

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1 The essence of the pathology of

Meningioma is a neoplasm growing out of the solid membrane of the brain and spinal cord. This type of neoplasm occurs quite often: in 1/4 of all primary brain tumors. Predominantly the meningioma is benign, grows slowly, but it is not always possible to remove it. In addition, it has a tendency to relapse. There are also malignant formations that have rapid growth and the possibility of germination in nearby tissues and the brain. Sometimes a malignant meningioma can metastasize to other parts of the body. Single meningioma is a classic neurosurgical pathology. Predominantly, meningioma is difficult to treat, which causes unsolved medical problems.

Treatment of meningioma should begin immediately after its detection. A tumor that has small dimensions that does not have a pronounced symptomatology is best left under control, provided that there is no further growth, since treatment in this case may not be required.

2 Risk factors and localization of

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education Meningioma is most often diagnosed in the fairer sex. Mostly appears in adulthood, but there have been cases of lesions in adolescents and children.

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Meningioma can appear due to such factors:

  1. Works in the presence of harmful production factors.
  2. Heredity.
  3. Life in an unfavorable region( ecologically).
  4. Injury, especially with multiple strokes on the head.
  5. Chronic form of infection.

Most often people get sick at the age of 50 to 59 years. The risk of meningioma can be increased due to frequent X-ray and radioactive irradiation and the use of food nitrates.

Meningioma is approximately 22% of the total number of neoplasms in the brain. If we talk about the ratio of representatives of different sexes, it is 2 to 3 - men and women respectively. The prevalence of intracranial meningiomas is approximately 3 diagnoses of 100,000 examinations.

Predominantly meningiomas are located in the cranial cavity, however they have different locations:

  1. Convexity - 40-50% of cases of all incidence.
  2. Parasagittal - 20-30 cases of all incidence.
  3. The area of ​​the olfactory fossa.
  4. Cerebellar Nest.
  5. The main bone wings of the skull.
  6. Petrolling areas of the large foramen of the occiput.
  7. Paracellar.

In addition, meningiomas can be localized at the basal part of the skull, that is, based on, and correlate as 20-30% of the total incidence.

3 Types of benign tumor

There are up to 11 types of tumors of benign nature. About 60% of the meningiomas within the skull can be attributed to meningothelial, 25% to transitional and 12% to fibrous, and the remaining histological variation is rarely diagnosed.

The papillary meningiomas are an independent group, as they are rarely detected and have a malignant characteristic. Mostly diagnosed at a young age, they can be characterized by a high incidence of relapse and cerebral invasion.

4 Types of malignant manifestations of

Malignant meningiomas can be divided into three degrees:

  1. Typical - account for 85% of the total incidence. The number of relapses up to 10 years after surgery is about 15%.Such tumors are usually called meningiomas with a small recurring risk. Angiomatous, meningothelioma, mixed, fibroblastic, microcystic, secretory, psammomatous and metaplastic are also distinguished.
  2. Atypical - account for 10-15% of the total incidence. A recurring period of up to 10 years is 30% of cases. They are called meningiomas with a large recurring risk. There are also atypical, chordoid and transparent cells.
  3. Anaplastic - account for 1-2% of the total incidence. Recurrent term for 2-3 years appears in all cases. This condition is called meningioma in the presence of aggressive behavior and a large recurring risk. Also papillary, rhabdoid and anaplastic are distinguished.


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5 What are the predictions and consequences of

? The disease prognosis will depend on the location, prevalence and histological variation of the disease.

A benign tumor without the presence of atypia after total removal is predominantly non-relapsing and does not require further therapeutic manipulation. However, total removal of a benign neoplasm can be quite difficult.

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According to studies, the convectional type of meningioma after total elimination has been performed, has a 3% chance of recurrence for 5 years. For the parascell type, this indicator will be equal to 19%.For the body of the underlying bone - 34%.Most often, the five-year recurrence index has a meningioma of the wings of the main bone with the involvement of a cavernous sinus: this index is 60-100%.

. A significant value in terms of prediction is given and the histological variation of the disease. A benign tumor has a 3% recurrence after total removal, and atypical and malignant tumors have 38% and 78%.

Neoplasm in the brain during treatment has such consequences:

  1. Memory loss.
  2. Epileptic seizures.
  3. Difficult concentration of attention.
  4. Change of personality.

The doctor should be assigned a specialized therapeutic course, and in the absence of qualification the doctor should refer the patient to a more professional specialist.

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