Gastroduodenitis in children and adolescents - symptoms, treatment, diet, acute forms prevention

Today gastroduodenitis in children is revealed quite often. The statistics says that every third child under 11 years of age has the characteristic signs of the disease. In 70% of cases the pathogenesis is caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. As practice shows, in most cases the hereditary factor works, the risk group includes those children who often suffer from infectious and somatic diseases, those that were born during the process of severe labor or the pathological course of pregnancy itself. Often inflammation occurs due to an early transfer to artificial feeding, the inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa is rapidly developing and against the background of the presence of food allergies or atopic dermatitis.

Other causes of gastroduodenitis in children

What else can cause acute gastroduodenitis in children?- The presence of other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system, the development of any focal infection, parasitic infestations. An internal factor can be a violation of hormonal regulation of the gastric glands. From external stimuli appear violations of diet, the presence of dry snacks, poor chewing food, uneven intervals between meals.

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Often, gastroduodenitis in adolescents and children occurs due to frequent and prolonged use of antibiotics. The stronger the drug, the faster the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is affected. Gastroduodenitis in children most often develops in school years. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the greatest number of trigger factors are associated with psychoemotional stresses and an exorbitant moral load.

How is gastroduodenitis classified in children?

There is no separate unified classification of the described disease in pediatrics. But, generalizing the general course of the clinical picture, the etymology of the disease, the mechanisms of flow and development, as well as morphological changes provoked by them, it is customary to identify exogenous and endogenous pathologies, the treatment of gastroduodenitis in children depends precisely on the causes of the disease.

Given the duration of the course and the combination of symptoms, pediatricians secrete chronic and acute gastroduodenitis, in children, both phases proceed in exactly the same way as in adults: in chronic course, the acute phase is replaced by a recession, after which seizures appear again. But the nature of the course of the disease is:

  • Monotone.
  • Latent.
  • Relapse.

The form of the disease is determined only after endoscopic examination. In children, both superficial and erosive, and hypertrophic, and atrophic, and mixed gastroduodenitis are diagnosed.

Symptoms of gastroduodenitis in children

It would be naive to assume that quite differently, differently than in adults gastroduodenitis occurs in children, the symptoms and treatment are almost the same as in the older age group. But among the characteristic features, nevertheless, one can distinguish differences.

A non-specific sign of gastroduodenitis is the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Children begin to complain of increased fatigue, their parents notice a significant decrease in working capacity, sleep disturbances, memory impairment, apathy and untidiness, unusual for their child. Children become very shy, they often have depression, withdraw from such a state of the baby is quite difficult.

To diagnose the disease can be if to the listed symptoms are added complaints of dull pain in the navel, a feeling of bursting, bloating, severe rumbling or bitter eructation.

Heartburn in childhood almost does not appear. During the exacerbation, the pains become not dull, but cramping, they become worse if the pauses between meals become long, and go away immediately after eating.

Chronic gastroduodenitis in children is characterized by the presence of constant nausea. Often, babies have vomiting, they are very hard to remove even special medication.

Parents are advised to pay attention to the behavior of children and learn to correlate the relationship between manifestations of painful symptoms. For example, nausea, as a rule, occurs in the mornings, before the child has breakfast, or in the evening, after a while after eating. Nausea necessarily involves migraine and weak dizziness. The child staggers slightly when walking and loses balance. It is migraines and it becomes the first signal of the initial stage, superficial gastroduodenitis in children. Not every parent can connect them with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Exacerbations of chronic diseases occur in the spring and autumn, when the body is most weakened, immunity is reduced, and there is a risk of developing a variety of infections. The child constantly wants to eat, the appetite increases at times, and this is another characteristic symptom to which you need to pay attention, begin to worry and find time to visit a children's gastroenterologist.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis in children

It is the diet for gastroduodenitis in children and adolescents is the key point of therapy. It is important to teach the child how to eat properly and thoroughly chew food. Parents should be excluded from the diet of the child fried foods, pickles, canned food, meat and fish delicacies. Eat often( 5-6 times a day), in small portions, in a warm form, preference should be given to dishes made from crushed products. This is the basis of the diet.

In addition, pediatricians advise to organize a patient pastel regime, emotional, psychological rest and control the conduct of drug treatment. It is carried out using the following drugs:

  1. Antacids( Almagel).
  2. Antisecretory drugs( Omeprozole).
  3. Antireflux pills( Cerucal).
  4. Protective drugs( De-Nol).
  5. Adsorbent( Smecta).

The choice of certain medications is determined only by the doctor, self-medication is unacceptable. A sick child will be under medical supervision for the next three years, it should be carried out at the dispensary. Once a year, it will be necessary to undergo FGD, as well as ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

An important component of the treatment of gastroduodenitis in children is the subsequent rehabilitation. What activities can it include?

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Sanatorium treatment.
  • Treatment with mineral waters.
  • The course of taking vitamins.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Therapeutic physical training.
  • Diet.

Prevention of gastroduodenitis in children

An important aspect is the prevention of gastroduodenitis in children. In order to prevent the development of pathology, it is important to ensure the right three meals a day with two full snacks between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. If possible, give the child to drink warm milk when he wakes up at night.

It is necessary to try to protect the baby or teenager from strong emotional and physical overload. Those who have any chronic diseases, do not forget to visit their attending physician and constantly monitor the condition of their son or daughter. The chronic chronic gastroduodenitis in children can lead to more serious consequences, which in the adult period of life will be extremely problematic.

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