Severe weakness and pallor of the skin: causes, symptoms, signs, treatment

Aristocratic pallor has long been out of fashion, but for some people this skin color is a physiological feature, no role pathology plays here. But if the pallor in a person has not previously been noted, was accompanied by weakness or other symptoms, then this is a serious reason to contact the doctor.

What is pallor and weakness

This condition may well indicate not only an inoffensive fatigue, but also heart disease. Hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia, stenocardia, myocarditis and even myocardial infarction - with these pathologies, pallor and weakness are almost always found.

About that such pallor and weakness, and why so important enough level of iron in an organism, will tell this video:

Kinds of the symptomatology

The symptom is divided into several types:

  • Pathological pallor .Characteristic of a prolonged course, but can appear suddenly. It develops usually with internal pathological processes.
  • The diffuse pallor of accompanies anemia, but it also occurs under the influence of stressful situations, when the peripheral vessels contract and blood flow is disturbed. Another diffuse change in the color of the skin accompanies a change in the composition of the blood, which occurs, for example, in anemia.
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Pale can still be divided into shades. Experienced doctors are accustomed to marking the color of the patient's face during the examination, outlining possible causes and specifying their assumption by laboratory and instrumental research. For various pathological processes, characteristic changes in skin tone are characteristic:

  1. Waxy paleness .Appears with anemia of the hypoplastic and aplastic species.
  2. Earth-gray skin is typical for purulent-septic diseases.
  3. "Marble" pallor develops in a state of shock.
  4. The greenish shade of is noticeable in patients with chlorosis.
  5. Dull color coffee with milk is characteristic for hemolytic anemia.
  6. Yellow color .Appears with hemolytic problems, liver pathologies, as well as with jaundice.

Weakness as a symptom has a pathological and physiological nature.

  • In the first case, its cause are various disorders in the body.
  • In the second case, it appears only after a load, it does not carry any danger, therefore it is not subjected to physical research.

How to identify them

Reduced performance, general weakness and pallor of the covers are often accompanied by other symptoms:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • sweating,
  • respiratory disorders,
  • cardiac dysfunction,
  • oral injuries,
  • bruises from light bruises,
  • weight loss,
  • epigastric pain,
  • cyanosis,
  • lip discoloration,
  • dizziness,
  • "fog" before the eyes.

Especially often such signs as pallor of integuments and sudden weakness is accompanied by dizziness.

About the causes of general weakness and persistent pallor of the skin of the face and other parts of the body will tell the next chapter.

About weakness and pallor as symptoms of anemia, Elena Malysheva will tell in her video:

About which diseases and disorders may be symptomatic of

Pale and weak are accompanied by a really large number of various diseases. And as not dangerous, and representing in the distant future a threat to the patient. Here is a list of the causes of this symptom:

  1. heart attack;
  2. injury;
  3. hemorrhoids;
  4. peptic ulcer;
  5. intestinal tumors;
  6. internal bleeding;
  7. pregnancy;
  8. anemia;
  9. is an infectious disease;
  10. pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  11. diabetes;
  12. kidney and liver disease;
  13. thyroid problems.

Pallor often appears in the elderly, when the skin lacks moisture and collagen ceases to be produced in the right amount. The influence in this case is also affected by a decrease in cardiac activity. There are similar signs at low physical activity, due to poor ecology or alcohol abuse.

Muscle weakness sometimes indicates overexertion, but can also indicate their atrophy. There are a number of reasons that can cause this symptom. These can be neurological, inflammatory, infectious diseases, tumors or trauma, as well as genetic predisposition.

How to deal with such signs

  • If both symptoms appeared as a consequence of psychological or physical overload, then to improve the state it will be enough to normalize your work schedule, rest and continue to prevent this. You need to eat healthy food, and it's even more important to walk more often. Saturation of blood with oxygen will promote good health.
  • With a lack of iron, the first priority is to restore its level. Long-term anemia is dangerous to health, it can provoke a lot of problems in the cardiovascular sphere. That is why treatment should be done under the supervision of a doctor, periodically taking tests and taking medications that are individually selected.
  • As an additional aid for fast recovery of the condition, it is necessary to include enough foods rich in iron in the diet. Weakness and pallor will disappear after 2-3 weeks of such complex treatment, but it should be continued for at least 3 months! It is during this period that a complete recovery of well-being takes place.
  • Feeling of weakness and pallor sometimes indicate serious illnesses, so self-medication is the worst decision in this case .Initially, you need to undergo a screening procedure, and then trust the doctor. He will pick up not only competent, but also appropriate therapy. After all, it is necessary to fight not with the symptoms themselves, but with the cause that causes them. If pallor and weakness develop rapidly, they are accompanied by a number of other signs( sweating, shortness of breath, palpitation), you can not ignore your condition. You should contact the hospital as soon as possible.

How to help yourself with a weakness caused by congenital diseases, the doctor will tell in the video below:

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