Urine analysis for diastase,( norm, increased), in children, collection( how to collect, pass), determination, studies with pancreas

Diastase( alpha-amylase) is called the digestive enzyme, which is synthesized in the pancreas and salivary glands of a person. Diastase after participation in the process of digestion, where it promotes the breakdown of complex carbohydrates in the digestive tract, is excreted from the body with urine. The enzyme cleaves the starch contained in human food to simpler forms of oligosaccharides. Since amylase is contained in salivary fluid, the process of splitting carbohydrates begins in the oral cavity. After the food enters the digestive tract, amylase, produced by the pancreas, is involved in the digestion of carbohydrates. If the body undergoes pathological changes, the organ begins to work poorly, the person feels weak and nauseous, and it suffers from periodic abdominal pain.

The analysis of urine for diastase is carried out for the purpose of revealing diseases of pancreas and salivary glands. Typically, this examination is necessary to determine periodic pain in the abdomen. The urinalysis is appointed by the attending physician to monitor the results of treatment.

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Urinary diastase -

norm When examining urine, the amount of enzyme that can split a certain amount of starch in a limited period of time is determined. The laboratory uses solutions of starch and phosphate, as well as toluene.

In order for the result of the analysis to be correct, it is better to collect urine for diastase in the morning hours. The norm of the digestive enzyme ranges from 16 to 64 units. If, as a result, the enzyme index does not exceed 64 units, the human body is considered healthy. Elevated levels of the enzyme can signal the presence of pancreatic diseases, and can also be a consequence of the devastating effects on the body of other diseases, cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

During the day, the level of diastase in the blood may change, so it is advisable to conduct a daily urine test. The increase in the amount of enzyme in the blood can be affected by the intake of the following drugs:

  • tetracycline antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • adrenaline;
  • narcotic analgesics;
  • preparations of gold;
  • drugs are not dosage form.

Urinary diastasis, what is the norm in children?

Before the diagnosis is made, doctors study the data of laboratory studies, take into account the criteria for the concentration of diastase in the urine of children. The established norms, according to which the child can be considered healthy, should be 10-64 units. If there is an elevated level of enzyme concentration, this indicates poor health in the body. The reduced content of the enzyme indicates the presence of such formidable diseases as diabetes or kidney failure. If urine diastase is increased, then inflammatory conditions in the body, including pancreatitis, colitis, appendicitis or stomach ulcers, are diagnosed.

The norm in children of urine diastase is determined through a laboratory study of biological samples. However, one should take into account the fact that different laboratories may have different units of measurement. In this regard, the data on the amount of enzyme may differ. In this case, the attending physician compares the data of urine and blood tests, on the basis of the analysis performed, makes a medical report.

How do I pass urine to a diastase test?

In order for a laboratory test to help the physician diagnose the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to comply with all the necessary requirements for the collection of urine.

A jar of glass with a capacity of 0.2 liters should be thoroughly washed with soda and dried. Depending on what type of examination is to be done, the patient will be warned in advance how best to collect urine analysis for diastase. Give it in a warm state at the reception point or collect it in the morning.

For this study, the entire morning portion of urine is usually collected.

Urinalysis for pancreatic diseases

The pancreas promotes proper metabolism in the body, producing pancreatic juice that contains diastase. A comprehensive examination is prescribed to the patient in those cases when there are symptoms indicative of inflammation of the pancreas. The examination includes a biochemical blood test and a general urinalysis. Since the amylase is also contained in the blood, the amount of this enzyme in serum is detected. After receiving the data from the laboratory, the doctor compares the results and, with the available deviations, establishes the diagnosis of the disease.

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