Innervation of the pancreas

Sympathetic and vagus nerves provide innervation of the pancreas, involving in this process a greater degree of celiac plexus. A small and large branch of the internal nerves forms a sympathetic component. Its origin is determined in V-IX and X-XI dorsal ganglion of the spinal cord. In addition, it involves the hepatic, splenic and upper mesenteric plexus. From all these plexuses to the body suitable cute nerve fibers. Together with them, the parasympathetic nerves in the immediate vicinity of the blood vessels are closely intertwined. All together, they penetrate to the small pancreas lobules. All these plexuses, being near the prostate, form a complex complex. It is practically impossible to single out each fiber separately in it, their branches are so strongly intertwined. The innervation of glandular cells passes separately from the innervation of the islets of Langerhans.

The pancreatic plexus is located at the front and back. It is part of the ventral plexus. Pancreatic plexus is a rather powerful reflexogenic zone. Her immediate irritation leads to shock.

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The branches of the vagus nerves also enter the pancreas. They act on it, using the nodes of the celiac plexus indirectly or directly. Great value in the innervation of the pancreas is played by the left vagus nerve. It is he who is entrusted with the task of innervating all the departments of this gland. The right vagus nerve also approaches close to the given place, but only by separate branches.

Sympathetic fibers act as a regulator of the tone of all blood vessels that fit the pancreas. They constantly accompany them. Parasympathetic nerves in turn participate in the regulation and control of exocrine activity. This mainly affects the release and formation of enzymes.

Looking closely at the work of the pancreas, duodenum, gall bladder, bile duct and liver, we can note the close connection of innervation in these organs. Multivalent innervation ensures the interconnection of all processes.

With the development of pancreatic cancer, malignant tissues encircling the nerves appear. This creates an increased pressure and the patient feels a sharp pain.

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