Dysbacteriosis - bloating, gas, flatulence

Bloating is a condition in which the gastrointestinal cavity begins to accumulate excess gases, there is increased formation and inadequate excretion from the body.

In the normal state of the intestine, a large number of gases will be absorbed by bacteria that live in the intestinal cavity. However, in the case of dysbacteriosis, the intestinal microflora is disrupted, resulting in flatulence. It is worth noting that this condition can cause severe pain.

Flatulence in dysbacteriosis will primarily manifest as a swelling or seizure of cramping painful sensations in the presence of various ailments: nausea, eructation, vomiting, stool disorders. Several variants of manifestation of the condition are conventionally divided:

  • As the main symptom of dysbiosis, there is a significant abdominal swelling that occurs due to volumetric increase in the intestine, while there is no escaping of gases, due to spasms in the cavity of the large intestine. The main sensations are the occurrence of discomfort, raspiraniya and pain.
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  • With disbacteriosis, there is a continuous release of gases from the intestinal cavity, which can significantly worsen the quality of life and complicate the presence in society. In this case, the pain is absent or mild, mainly rumbling, raspiranie and transfusion in the abdomen. Perhaps the appearance of extraintestinal symptoms.

Treatment of bloating in dysbiosis

Before starting treatment for flatulence, it is required to conduct an analysis of habits and diet. Many people take food too fast, "on the run."Not only that in the case of dysbiosis, abdominal distension is one of the first symptoms, but also with habit is fast, it is possible to swallow a large amount of air, which leads to violations of the gastric secretion, which is necessary for normal digestion. In turn, this can lead to the development of a large number of gases, which will exacerbate the symptom.

Thus, it is necessary to take food in a sitting position and thoroughly chew. So, with flatulence in the case of dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to take products with the content of coarse fiber, legumes and products that can cause the fermentation process. To reduce the formation of gases, legumes should be left for half an hour in cold water, then cook them in a pan. Also, high-efficiency is provided by sour-milk products, crumbly porridge, vegetables and fruits in a boiled or stewed form.

In addition, in the treatment of bloating in dysbiosis, the main aspects should be:

  • Restoration of the motor function of the intestine.
  • Therapy of imbalance of intestinal microflora.
  • Removal of gases from the intestinal lumen.

It should be noted that taking drugs, for example, activated charcoal, will be effective only in the case of a high dosage. They can reduce the absorption of gases, toxins and other kinds of compounds, which helps to relieve bloating.

It is worth noting that if suddenly a dysbacteriosis started bloating, then the use of enemas, laxatives or warmers is prohibited. Such funds will only exacerbate the condition. In the treatment can be used herbal remedies that have a carminative effect, for example, chamomile, dill, mint, coriander and other infusions.

If a sudden attack of bloating has suddenly started, then enterosorbents can well suppress it. Such medications are something like "first aid" from gases in dysbacteriosis - they are safe and have high efficiency. It should be noted that to date there are enterosorbents that help not only to eliminate bloating, but also remove other symptoms - discomfort, raspiranie, painful sensations. In addition, they can sorb pathogenic microorganisms and the toxins they produce.

It is possible to take them in a long course, and when combined with proper nutrition and tactics for treating the dysbacteriosis that caused the swelling, such unpleasant sensations will pass quickly and will not disturb the patient any more. Effective, safe and useful use of enterosorbents for dysbacteriosis accompanied by bloating has been proved by clinical and practical studies of a large number of patients.

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