What kind of droppers are used for pancreatic pancreatitis?

In the vast majority of cases, both acute pancreatitis and chronic exacerbations are treated in a surgical hospital. Because the pain can sometimes be strong enough, the first thing that the patient is offered is an anesthetic injections or a dropper for the pancreas. Usually spasmolytics are used for this - no-shpa, baralgin, etc. To remove pain with acute pancreatitis is necessary, because often enough with such attacks the patient gets a pain shock.

However, a series of droppers from the pancreas is not limited to anesthetics alone. In connection with the fact that in the first few days a patient with such a diagnosis is shown complete starvation, in order to maintain vitality, he is put with droppers with glucose, and in order to avoid dehydration - with physiological saline.

A dropper for pancreatitis is an extremely important part of the treatment. It helps to deliver the necessary medicines to the patient's body, bypassing the digestive tract, which multiplies both the speed of impact and effectiveness. That's why in those cases when you really need emergency help, this is the way you use medication. Another important point is that the medication through the dropper enters the patient's body very slowly, so the desired concentration in the blood is easily achieved and persists for a long time, and this simultaneously increases the effectiveness of the drug administered and reduces the side effects that it can provoke.

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Another function of a dropper for pancreatitis is to soothe the pancreas and let it rest. To do this, it is necessary to suppress the production of enzymes by the body as soon as possible and to remove from the body those that have already been produced, but have not found use because of the inflammation that has arisen. Typically, patients with pancreatitis enter trasilol, counter and other drugs of similar effect. In addition, in especially neglected cases( with extremely severe forms of pancreatic inflammation), drip administration of antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent the spread of infection.

The duration of such therapy may be different. Usually, with mild forms, three to four days are sufficient, combined with complete starvation, but sometimes hospital treatment is stretched for several months, including intravenous administration.

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