Smoking at various stages of pregnancy: planning, first, second, third trimesters, smoking before delivery

The fetus undergoes complex development in the body of the mother from the stage of cells to the highly organized organism. At each stage he needs special conditions of existence. If a child receives nicotine from his mother instead of vitamins and minerals, his body is broken, pathologies arise, leading to illnesses in childhood and health problems in adulthood.

Effects of smoking on various periods of pregnancy

A woman should not smoke if she is going to become a mother. Do not even try to tighten a cigarette, so harmful to nicotine for a child.

A woman should part with this meaningless occupation as soon as she finds out about her pregnancy. Do not be afraid that a sharp cessation of smoking will cause unpleasant sensations. A child's refusal of a mother from a cigarette will be of use, therefore, one must part with the habit immediately and without regret.

Effect of nicotine on the placenta

Smoking women have changes in the structure of the placenta, a violation of blood flow. The weight of the placenta in the smoker is, on average, less than the norm by 52 g.

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Nicotine, penetrating into the blood supplying the placenta, can cause its premature detachment. Chronic fetal poisoning with nicotine leads to a reduction in maternity, increases the risk of spontaneous abortion by 70%, can cause the death of a child.

Tobacco Syndrome

The effect of smoking in pregnancy is described as a fetal tobacco syndrome. It develops not only in children of smokers, but also in the offspring of women exposed to secondhand smoke.

In tobacco syndrome, the child is deficient in vitamins, oxygen deficiency, excess of carboxyhemoglobin, nicotine. Those born with fetal tobacco syndrome for a long time retain signs of hypoxia, slowly gain weight, suffer from pulmonary pathologies, mental retardation.

Smoking with lactation

Nicotine continues to enter the body of babies and after birth. A loving mother, along with breast milk, feeds the baby with a neurotoxic poison, fixing the child's nicotine dependence from the first hours of life.


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Even if a child, thanks to a successful combination of genes, will be able to maintain physical health, his intellect will necessarily suffer. Children of smokers are losing their mental abilities, it is more difficult for them than for peers, to learn to read, to master a letter, to get professional skills.

Pregnancy planning stage

Can I smoke while planning a pregnancy? It is not desirable, because women who have such a bad habit, like smoking, are more likely to suffer from menstrual irregularities and infertility. Smokers are more likely to encounter anovulatory cycles, not accompanied by the release of the egg. And even if ovulation occurs, the eggs of women who smoke are less viable.

Nicotine has a special effect on male reproductive health. The fetus, which has a Y chromosome in the genome, is more often killed by nicotine.

I trimester

Conception occurs after the release of the oocyte from the follicle, approximately in the middle of the cycle. The process takes place in the fallopian tube, and the first 6-7 days the fertilized ovum( zygote) descends from it into the uterus, maintaining viability with stored substances.

The onset of pregnancy

Until the moment of attachment to the wall of the uterus, the mother's smoking does not have such destructive effects on the zygote, as it did afterwards. Unless, of course, we do not consider that at the stage of implantation of the embryo into the endometrium of the uterus, smokers often have difficulties causing infertility.

But in the event that the pregnancy has occurred, and the woman smoked in ignorance, she should not even think about abortion. Nothing corrected in this period 1 trimester did not happen, if she immediately part with a cigarette, nicotine does not affect the baby.

But from the moment of implantation of the zygote into the endometrium of the uterus, the fetus and the body of the woman represent a single whole, and absolutely all changes occurring in the mother's organism affect the emerging man.

First weeks of

Zygotic implantation occurs in the first month, namely at 2 weeks of gestation. At the initial stage, nicotine leads to damage to the bone marrow. Such babies after birth require a bone marrow transplant. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the locomotor system is laid. One of the common deformations of this period is clubfoot.

At 5 weeks, the brain is laid, the heart muscle begins to contract. The embryo already has the work of the liver, kidneys. At this time, nicotine causes severe poisoning, which subsequently leads to an increased risk of spontaneous death of the embryo.

By the 6th week is the onset of blood circulation in the fetal blood vessels. Under the influence of tobacco poisons, the baby's vessels narrow, transport of food and oxygen is disrupted, pathologies of the formation of the vascular system appear.

At 6-8 weeks, the sky is formed in the embryo. Nicotine in the blood at these weeks increases the likelihood of a baby with a "hare lip", "wolf's mouth", this is the danger of smoking in the early stages. Moreover, the insufficient supply of oxygen to the developing brain at this time can cause such a complication as Down's syndrome, the developmental lag of the baby.

By the 12th week the fetus has already formed all organs:

  • the thyroid gland produces hormones;
  • begins ossification of the skeleton;
  • is practically formed by the brain;
  • lays its own immunity, the thymus gland produces lymphocytes.

Even rare smoking at this time negatively affects the child, destroys its immunity, condemning it from birth to endless infectious diseases, problems with the musculoskeletal system, developmental disorders and growth.

Influence on the placenta

Early smoking causes disturbances in the placenta that protects and feeds the embryo. The formation of the placenta ends by the end of the first trimester, smoking at this time is no less dangerous for the baby than at later dates.

Smokers 90% more often have placenta previa, a phenomenon in which a child's place is formed over the cervix. Births with placenta previa are severe, with great blood loss.

II trimester

In the second trimester, the fetal circulatory system is completely formed. By the 16th week on ultrasound, you can clearly see how the child reacts to mother's smoking. The tightening causes a grimace of disgust on the baby's face, it is clear how he suffers. At this time, nicotine attacks the child's brain, causing the death of neurons, disrupting the formation of nervous tissue.

The fetus has such a strong sensitivity to the action of nicotine, which reacts even to the mother's idea of ​​a cigarette or fictitious smoking. This phenomenon is not explained in terms of medicine, but ultrasound shows how the child frightenedly shrinks, tries to hide when his mother strikes a match, lighting a cigarette.

Nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels, which leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, tissue hypoxia. The pulse of the fetus is accelerated by 90 strokes.

Blood vessels of the placenta also react to the flow of nicotine by constriction, this leads to placental abruption, bleeding and provokes miscarriages.

By the 18th week sight and hearing are formed, the immune system continues to develop. Smoking at this time causes chronic poisoning with nicotine.

At 21-23 weeks the baby has respiratory movements. This is not yet real breathing, but such training is necessary for the further development of lung function. The smoked cigarette stops the fetal breathing for 30 minutes.

Smoking at this time can lead to a stop of breathing in the fetus, stillbirth, provokes early maturation of the placenta, increases the risk of premature birth.

III trimester

Smoking at the latest terms, starting from the 30th week of pregnancy is dangerous deviations in the psyche, diseases of the nervous system. The fetus lags behind in development, has dimensions, weight is less than normal.

At this time, the probability of having a baby with underweight increases, the average weight of newborns in smokers is 330 g less than that of children of non-smoking mothers, and the body length is 1.2 cm less.

Increased risk of sudden death of an infant. The mother's children who did not quit before giving birth are more likely to suffer:

  • with diseases of the lungs, bronchi, asthma;
  • with club foot;
  • by Down's disease, autism;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Smoking during the entire pregnancy and even in the last month, except for health problems, will later cause parents difficulties with raising a child. Children of smokers are prone to hyperactivity, irritability, poorly trained in school.

Throughout pregnancy, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation, does not receive enough nutrients, is exposed to poison.

On how to affect smoking on the child and whether it will be affected at all, it is not necessary to guess. The beloved mother personally poisons the baby with carbon monoxide, arsenic, benzapyrene, radioactive metals, develops a physical nicotine addiction, which in adulthood turns into a craving for drugs and alcohol.

On the video lecture on the dangers of smoking during pregnancy:

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