Heat, cough, cold, diarrhea in a child and adult, vomiting and loose stools are dangerous symptoms

If a person develops symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, any patient begins to worry about the developing situation. Many understand that it can provoke the appearance of a loose stool, but it is usually accompanied by vomiting, but not a runny nose. In diarrhea, not caused by organic or infectious causes, the appearance of extraintestinal symptoms associated with colds usually does not happen. So what is the reason that a person at the same time there are such negative manifestations as heat, cough, diarrhea? They can be provoked by an infection. Usually it is rotavirus, called in the people "intestinal flu".Most often, this ailment appears in children from six months to 2 years. But adult patients are not immune from this scourge, especially if they do not observe precautions when caring for a sick baby.

Rotavirus infection characterized by such seemingly completely incompatible symptoms as runny nose, cough, temperature, diarrhea, is extremely contagious, and therefore very common. Half of all GI disorders in a small child can be associated with it."Pick up" her baby can not only as a regular flu, by airborne droplets, but also through unboiled water or dirty hands. Rotavirus is quite a dangerous disease, as its causative agent is very "strong."It poses a threat to any person in contact with the patient, but most likely this infection affects the weakened people: children, the elderly or those who suffer from chronic diseases. It is they who can be fatal due to this ailment. The incubation period for rotavirus is very short - only 12 hours.

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Cough, temperature, diarrhea, snot - symptoms of intestinal flu

Usually rotavirus infection manifests itself very sharply, but it can also observe a prodromal period lasting about 48 hours. During his period against a background of general malaise, negative manifestations of the upper respiratory tract( cough and snot) are observed, and a temperature also appears. To these signs of ARI in a few hours, diarrhea and vomiting are added. In intestinal influenza, the flow is usually cyclic. The disease develops in stages. Specialists distinguish the following stages of this pathology:

  • Incubation period lasting 24-48 hours. During it, both in the child and in the adult, the temperature rises slightly and a liquid stool appears. On these signs, few people pay attention, because they are weakly expressed;
  • The acute period lasts from 3 days to a week. In the event that the disease has a severe course, its duration can significantly increase. During this phase of the disease, other signs of pathology are clearly evident. The patient has a strong cough, diarrhea, runny nose;
  • The third period of the disease is recovery. Diarrhea at this time is almost not expressed, and the temperature is not as high as at the beginning of the disease. Only cough and snot remain visible.

In the clinical picture of this disease, there is a combination of upper respiratory tract infection, intoxication of the body and gastroenteritis syndrome, which is usually characterized by diarrhea and rumbling in the upper abdomen, which are characterized by pain and rumbling. Cough, temperature and diarrhea in a child require the use of symptomatic therapy. The necessary measures of medical assistance should be appointed by a specialist. Both children and adults need bed rest at this time. Therapeutic measures will consist in eliminating the common cold and coughing, reducing the heat, stopping the vomiting. Only diarrhea without the recommendation of a specialist should not be stopped, since all pathogenic microorganisms are taken out of the body with it. The only thing that needs to be done is to strengthen the drinking regime, since diarrhea can very quickly provoke a dehydration in the child.

Forecasts for rotavirus infection are quite favorable. Only in rare cases in patients with poor health, diarrhea, which appears against the background of high fever and accompanied by vomiting, coughing and runny nose, can cause serious complications up to a lethal outcome. For the most part, the intestinal flu does not cause health effects and the person safely gets rid of loose stool and snot. In addition, after the transferred illness, immunity to it is developed. This means that if you get sick as a child, then at the older age the disease either does not come at all or will be transferred by the patient in an easy form.

The child has a fever, diarrhea, cough, what should I do?

All young parents are worried about the situation when a baby develops severe diarrhea. And in the case when it is accompanied by additional symptoms, anxiety and anxiety increase doubly. The first help that should be given to babies when they have a temperature, diarrhea and cough is to provide them with vitaminized and warm drinks. It is best in this case, fit tea with honey or compote. Children, especially infants, in such a situation should in no case be left alone, so as not to allow choking of vomit. During sleep, the child should lie on his side, so that a runny nose and coughing as little as possible interfere with breathing. Be sure to monitor the temperature and, if necessary, give antipyretic. To ensure that diarrhea does not provoke a dehydration syndrome, you should strengthen the drinking regime.

But self-treatment when a baby has diarrhea with a cough and temperature is not enough. If you can get rid of liquid stool and snot from yourself without any pathological reason, then with these manifestations of the disease it is best to call a doctor immediately. If it is confirmed that diarrhea, cough and temperature signal the onset of intestinal flu development, the administration of systemic or enteric antibiotics will be required. Such medications with this disease are necessary for the reason that ulcerated gastrointestinal mucosa quite easily provides access to the infection in the body.

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