Polyp in the ear: symptoms in the child, treatment, removal by the operative method

Polyps in the ear are specific formations, consisting of granulation tissue. They can be localized in various areas of the organ of hearing - the outer passage or middle ear. Sometimes polyps affect other elements of the skull.

If you have any symptoms of an abnormality in a child or adult, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. Timely therapy will help to avoid the development of malignant process.

Polyp in the ear: aetiology

In most cases, the appearance of polyps is due to inflammatory changes. These include:

  • various types of otitis, including necrotizing;
  • formation of various tumors - cysts, cholesteatomas.

With constant inflammation of a certain area, connective tissue sites are formed. After a while their sizes increase and gradually affect the inner ear. This occurs through cracks in the tympanic membrane.

Types of

In addition to conventional granulations, polyps can be presented in the form of fibroids, mixes, angiofibromes. The form of education is divided into 2 categories - on a foot or a wide base.

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The color of polyps also varies - from pale pink to red. Surface of formations can be smooth or bumpy.

Polyps in the ears have a fairly soft consistency. Moreover, they are denser than the formations that appear in the nose. Even a light touch can cause bleeding.

Symptoms of

The appearance of an ear polyp is characterized by such manifestations:

  1. Pus secretion - sometimes accompanied by bloody impurities. If the pus stops standing out, this may indicate clogging of the auditory canal with education.
  2. Pain in the ear.
  3. Appearance of itching and noise in the ears.
  4. Feeling of depression.
  5. Deterioration or complete loss of hearing.
  6. Sensation of a foreign object in the ear.
  7. Headaches.


To make an accurate diagnosis, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. The specialist studies the medical history, conducts a survey and examines the patient. Then the otolaryngologist must perform a hardware examination by means of an otoscope. Thanks to this, it will be possible to assess the integrity of the membrane, to identify the affected area and determine its size.

Additional surveys may also be required. These include the following:

  • blood tests;
  • urine analysis;
  • stool analysis;
  • computed tomography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • bacterial culture;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • assays for allergy detection.

On the photo polyps in the ears of a person


To cope with the pathology, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. In simple cases, conservative therapy is sufficient, whereas in more complex situations it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.


The operation consists in removing the formation of a special loop. Another tool can also be used - for example, curette or croquet.

Sometimes there is a need for a radical intervention, which is carried out in a hospital. This method is used to form a fistula in a semicircular canal. The procedure is performed to prevent the penetration of purulent infection into the labyrinth.

Loop removal can be performed in an outpatient setting. First, the doctor applies local anesthesia. After that, the polyp puts the loop on the leg. The movement of this tool is cut off, and then removed with tweezers.

The treated surface must be coated with silver nitrate. Also, trichloroacetic or chromic acid is used for this purpose. Subsequently, this zone is washed with saline.

How to remove polyps


If the polyp is small, conservative therapy is performed. To do this, you can use antibacterial drops or creams with the content of steroids. If the pathology is fungal, antifungal agents are indicated.

However, in most cases, conservative methods do not give the required results, which creates the need for an operation.

Possible complications of

With incomplete removal of the polyp, there is a risk of recurrence of the pathology. In addition, a violation of the rules of the procedure may lead to infection of the ear. To avoid complications, doctors often prescribe antibiotics and antihistamines in the postoperative period.

The possibility of relapse

Polyps in the ears are considered a recurring pathology. If you do not eliminate the cause, the disease will come back again and again. Also, relapses are possible with incomplete removal of the formation.

Than the formation of

is dangerous. The presence of a polyp in the ear can cause the appearance of acute and chronic otitis. In difficult situations, this education and does cause complete loss of hearing.


In most cases, pathology has a favorable prognosis. Thanks to the excision of the abnormal focus, the patient completely recovers. If you do not completely remove the polyp, there is a risk of a relapse of malignancy and malignant degeneration.

How to remove polyps, see in our video:


To prevent the formation of polyps, you need to perform the following:

  • promptly treat otitis under the control of an ENT doctor;
  • use nasal drops;
  • wear in the cold season; headwear;
  • not use other people's objects that come in contact with the ears.

The appearance of polyps in the ears is fraught with the development of dangerous complications. To prevent this, it is very important to contact the otolaryngologist in a timely manner and clearly follow all his recommendations.

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