Labyrinthopathy: symptoms, causes and treatment of the disease

The term "labyrinthopathy" refers to a number of pathologies that are characterized by damage to the patient's inner ear. When there are signs of a pathology, it is necessary to consult a doctor. At an early stage of development, many diseases are well suited for therapy. In neglected cases, the processes become irreversible.

Labyrinthopathy ICD-10

Labyrinthopathy is a term that unites a complex of diseases of the inner ear. They are non-inflammatory in nature and appear in the form of peripheral auditory vestibular disorders.

In modern practice, this concept is used less and less. This is due to the improvement of diagnostic procedures and the definition of the causes of various auditory diseases. According to the ICD-10 pathology is coded under the cipher H83.2 "Labyrinth dysfunction."

Reasons for

The causes of the development of labyrinthopathy are quite diverse. If the vestibular apparatus is affected, doctors diagnose vestibulopathy.

With the defeat of the sound receptor it is a question of cochleopathy. If both are diagnosed simultaneously, this indicates a labyrinthopathy.

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To the development of this pathology lead such factors:

  1. Mechanical trauma of the sound receptor.
  2. Effects on the body of poisonous substances. These include nicotine, quinine, arsenic and other chemical compounds that have toxic properties.
  3. Severe diseases. Provoke a violation capable of influenza, measles, scarlet fever. The reason can be covered in typhus, malaria, diphtheria.
  4. Consequence of surgical intervention.
  5. Vascular disorders.
  6. Climax.

Symptoms of

The main sign of the labyrinthopathy is a gradual deterioration in the perception of sounds. Often, this condition is accompanied by the appearance of noise, which constantly sounds in the ears.

The intensity of the symptoms depends on the provoking factor. Some forms of pathology are accompanied by a gradual, but irreversible decrease in hearing. In other cases, everything depends on the timeliness of treatment.

There are cases of rapid appearance of deafness associated with intoxication. Such symptoms, in particular, cause quinine poisoning. Gradually this process becomes chronic. In addition to hearing impairment, a person has such symptoms:

  1. Vertigo - especially strongly it is felt with sudden movements of the head.
  2. Violation of the vestibular apparatus - occurs with a rapid change in the position of the trunk.
  3. Problems in moving in transport - a person can develop motion sickness.
  4. Spontaneous nystagmus - by this term we mean the complex form of the oculomotor deviation, which is characterized by involuntary oscillation of the eyes.

One of the symptoms of labyrinthopathy is tinnitus, about this in our video:


In order for a patient to receive quality and timely therapy, it is very important to diagnose and diagnose the causes of the violation in a timely manner.

Necessary analysis, collection of anamnesis

Diagnosis of labyrinthopathy is mainly based on the study of the patient's anamnesis. The doctor must necessarily study the exact picture of the disorder, analyze the severity and localization of the symptoms.

Of great importance is the study of the sensitivity threshold of the vestibular analyzer. Also, the patient is audiometry, according to the results of which the specialist receives a speech intelligibility curve.

In some cases, these tests are required:

  • total blood test;
  • biochemistry;
  • test for thyroid hormones;
  • serological tests.


To establish the form of the labyrinthopathy, instrumental studies can be carried out. These include:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
  • audiogram;
  • dopplerography.

How is the MRI of the inner ear for the diagnosis of labyrinthopathy in our video:

Treatment of

To cope with the pathology, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will select the right medicines and prescribe the necessary physiotherapy procedures.


If the labyrinthopathy has developed as a result of surgical intervention, the main direction of treatment is careful care of the operated zone. At this stage, the use of disinfecting compounds - ointments, solutions, etc., is required.

For any origin of the pathology, treatment measures include the administration of calcium preparations. Thus, gluconate or calcium lactate, as well as other substances, can be used. Such drugs can not be used for hypercalcemia, a tendency to thrombosis, symptoms of atherosclerosis, hypercoagulation.

In addition to this, iodine preparations are often used in therapy. The doctor can prescribe iodoform, iodide, betadine and other substances. In the presence of adenomatous goiter, Dühring-Brok syndrome or hypersensitivity to iodine, such substances are contraindicated.

Often, this diagnosis requires drugs based on strychnine. It is necessary to take vitamins B and C. Intravenously, patients receive glucose in a maintenance dosage. It can not be used in the presence of diabetes, cerebral edema or lungs, hyperglycemia and other disorders. If the patient has an age-related hearing loss or the development of the labyrinthopathy is due to a climacteric, hormonal preparations are indicated.

Aeron can be used to eliminate the symptoms of so-called seasickness. This drug can not be used only with glaucoma. Another component of the treatment is cholinolytic and ganglion blocking agents. They include pentaphene, diphenine, benzohexonium.


To normalize the patient's condition, the following methods can be used:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • darsonvalization;
  • electrophoresis of medications;
  • sea or conifer baths;
  • massage.

How to massage the ears to improve blood circulation, see in our video:

Is it possible to cure with traditional medicine

Folk remedies can not replace traditional treatment. However, in some cases, they increase the effectiveness of the use of drugs. Such methods should also be applied during remission of pathology:

  1. Sea kale. This product must be dried and ground to a powder. Use it on a teaspoon before eating.
  2. Fruits of hawthorn. They need to be washed, dried and chopped. Pour a couple of spoons of the product with 300 ml of boiling water. Eat during the day before eating.
  3. Calendula flowers. Take 10 g of raw material, add 200 ml of hot water and leave to infuse. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

What can and can not be done

When developing a labyrinthopathy, it is strictly forbidden to engage in any kind of self-medication. At the initial stage of hearing impairment, changes tend to be reversible. In failed cases, it is not possible to restore the operation of the affected system.

Therefore, any suspicion of labyrinthopathy should be a reason for a visit to a doctor. After conducting a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will select effective medications.


To prevent the development of labyrinthopathy, it is necessary to observe such rules:

  1. Avoid contact with toxic substances and poisons. If this is not possible due to the nature of professional activity, one should not neglect the protective means.
  2. Monitor the number of medications taken. It is strictly forbidden to exceed recommended dosages. It is important to consider that hearing disorders can cause such drugs as streptomycin, quinine. Salicylates have a similar effect.
  3. Avoid mechanical damage.
  4. Systematically visit a doctor for preventive examinations.

Various types of labyrinthopathy are found today quite often. To eliminate the ailment, it is very important to contact an ENT doctor who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. After this, it is necessary to exclude the effect of provoking factors and clearly follow medical appointments.

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