Does tea cause constipation, can there be stool delays from black and green varieties?

Tea is known not only for its wide variety of flavors, and its excellent ability to quench its thirst, but also for its beneficial properties. Daily use of this beloved drink helps to strengthen immunity, increase efficiency, reduce excess weight. Also, thanks to it, blood pressure is very quickly normalized. Enumerate the factors that indicate its benefits, it is possible indefinitely, but the use of excessive amounts of such drinking can bring a lot of trouble, one of which is constipation.

Why does tea cause constipation? In order to get an answer to this question, it is necessary to understand what chemicals are included in the tea leaf, designed for the preparation of a magnificent tonic drink. In addition to the acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for the optimal functioning of the body, there are microelements in it that can be harmful if they are consumed excessively:

  • Caffeine leads to fluid loss, which causes hardening of the feces, and as a result, constipation;
  • Tannins, including tannin, also contribute to the consolidation of the stool.
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In a small amount, these microelements can not cause any damage to the digestive system, so to prevent tea from causing constipation, drink it should be slightly boiled and not on an empty stomach. Also, do not add a large amount of sugar. It will be best if they drink a small amount of honey. This version of the drink does not cause constipation.

All this applies to black tea. But not all people prefer it. There are many lovers of other kinds of gorgeous beverage, for example, green. They are also interested in the question of whether there can be constipation from green tea? Specialists note that delays of acts of defecation, the use of this type of drink almost never causes. This is facilitated by the method of preparing a sheet for welding. Unlike black, it is dried at high temperature. This factor does not allow the raw material to oxidize, and, therefore, tannins, which cause fixation of stool, are formed in it in the minimum amount. But all the same, people who have a tendency to constipation, drink this tonic drink in strong form and large amounts is not recommended. This version of tea also contains caffeine, which causes fluid loss. In the event that when it is brewed to comply with all the rules, as well as not allow it to be consumed in very large quantities, it will promote the activation of the intestine, which will favorably affect its emptying.

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