Folk remedies for constipation in the elderly, treatment at home with laxatives and homeopathic drugs, how to treat?

Elderly people often complain of poor health. The body is weakened, and the organs do not function properly. Many people have a problem like constipation. Few people want to sit for hours to get an examination to see a doctor. Therefore, some people prefer to be treated at home.

When there is a violation of defecation should pay attention to folk remedies for constipation in the elderly. During the time of human existence. It was invented a huge number of ways to deal with it. Before dealing with recovery procedures, you need to understand what caused the delay of the stool? If symptoms of a serious illness appear, it is better to seek help from a healthcare professional, since in such a situation, self-medication can only cause a complication.

After diagnosing and consulting a doctor, you can determine the herbs and tinctures that will help in such a delicate situation. When constipation occurs, treatment at home in the elderly can be combined with drug therapy, but it must be remembered that medications should not be contraindicated.

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Treatment of constipation in the elderly folk remedies

Over the centuries, collected a whole arsenal of various recipes that allow you to treat constipation in the elderly at home. Unfortunately, some of them are not suitable for the senile organism. In addition, part of the funds can cause side effects or backlash.

Since it is best to quickly treat constipation in the home in the elderly, it is necessary to use the following recipes:

  • An excellent folk remedy is pickled cabbage brine. It has a lax effect. Such home remedies for constipation in the elderly are recommended to be consumed on a full stomach, at the end of half an hour after a meal;
  • Dried fruits. To eliminate the delay of emptying it is necessary to prepare a mixture of dried fruits, which is prepared quite simply. In the same volume, dried apricots, raisins, rosehips, figs and prunes are taken. All this is ground in a meat grinder and mixed in a blender. For greater benefit, folk remedies from dried fruits from constipation to elderly people are better to use in the early morning for 1 spoonful;
  • Another wonderful laxative folk remedy for constipation for the elderly is prepared at home simply and quickly. Take the beet or cranberries and squeeze the juice. The squeezed drink not only saves from violation of defecation, but also saves from flatulence and stomach cramps;
  • Low-fat kefir, also cope with the emerging delicate problem. It is necessary to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to one glass of kefir. The resulting drink is consumed one hour before bedtime;
  • Some folk laxatives are used to treat senile constipation, as well as to eliminate chronic impairment of emptying in younger people. Aloe juice is included in such products. It is enough to drink one tablespoon of juice before eating;
  • Folk remedies against constipation in elderly patients, can be used for preventive purposes. Enough on an empty stomach, early in the morning to drink two 150 milliliters of water, diluted with baking soda.

If there is constipation in the elderly, treatment is started, but folk laxatives do not help, you should immediately seek help from specialists. Otherwise, the patient's condition may deteriorate significantly, and this requires additional efforts and resources. In some cases, only the homeopathic treatment will help with senile constipation, and in some cases - medication. Everything depends on the diagnosis.

Treatment of constipation in the elderly at home

Some elderly people like to be treated with tinctures cooked independently at home. In our time, a great number of recipes have been invented and tested, it remains only to choose something more suitable. Most often, the elderly use the following tinctures:

  • Infusion of berries of red mountain ash. Similar folk laxatives with constipation for an elderly person to cook is not difficult. It is best to take advantage of the ripened fruit that has been in the cold. Pour berries into a bottle, and pour sugar on top. Tie a container with a cloth. Then put it on a warm, sunlit place. When the sugar is melted, a syrup will appear. Insist future medicine should be about 4 weeks. After the appearance of the syrup, you need to wring out and drain the berries. For 0.5 liters of syrup is added 25 grams of alcohol. Tincture of constipation take 1 glass before breakfast.
  • Constipation in elderly people can be eliminated in various ways, but treatment with folk and homeopathic remedies is more pleasant. Another excellent infusion is flaxseed. For cooking, you need a teaspoon of flaxseed and one glass of boiled water. Infuse the infusion for 5 hours, pre-wrapped capacity. The medicine is drunk before bedtime.

Because treating constipation in the elderly at home is not difficult, anyone can cope with it. It is enough to decide on the recipe. Despite the effectiveness of folk methods, you should contact the medical staff so that they can make an accurate diagnosis and adjust the treatment.

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