How to cure gastritis of the stomach completely and quickly, can I get rid of it forever, is it treated?

Gastritis is a generalized concept, and behind it are various diseases leading to common manifestations - inflammation of the stomach due to damaged mucosal walls, but it can be cured completely and permanently, if not run.

The rate of development of the disease is divided into acute and chronic gastritis.

Depending on the volume of the affected wall, the following forms can be distinguished: catarrhal, erosive and phlegmonous gastritis.

On the mechanism of development can be divided into: atrophic, autoimmune, hypertrophic, allergic gastritis.

Any of the listed gastritis needs to be cured completely, and it is desirable to do it as soon as possible, otherwise the disease will be aggravated by the appearance of malignant cells at the site of lesion of the mucous layer.

How can you cure acute gastritis completely and permanently?

Acute gastritis is a process of inflammation of the stomach, which began due to damage to the mucous membrane. It occurs even in young children.

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With acute gastritis, only the superficial epithelium and glandular apparatus become inflamed, the muscular layer is less often affected.

The development of the disease is facilitated by food or beverages that lead to chemical or thermal burn:

  • hot tea and soups;
  • vinegar, pepper, horseradish and mustard;
  • nicotine;
  • alcohol;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • eating food contaminated with bacteria: staphylococcus, salmonella and others.

The danger of the disease lies in the consequences, and they can quickly lead to the development of erosion of the mucosa;to scarring, which can subsequently grow a cancerous tumor;to internal bleeding and to transition of an acute gastritis in chronic, therefore it is necessary to cure it completely as soon as possible.

To cure gastritis - you need to get rid of the contents - rinse the stomach, after which antibiotic therapy begins with observance of a special, therapeutic diet. For this, one does not need to go to the hospital, but to be observed by the gastroenterologist is a prerequisite if there is a desire to cure the disease completely and permanently. But with a very severe gastritis, with the need to include intravenous infusion therapy, surgical tactics and constant monitoring by a doctor. The patient is treated in the hospital, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the disease.

To cure acute gastritis completely and forever - you need to get rid of the cause, eliminate the consequences.

First day you can not eat anything but boiled water. You can drink warm tea from herbal gastric collection, which can soothe irritated walls.

If acute gastritis is caused by chemical poisoning - it is treated with an emergency gastric lavage by sensing. This will help the stomach get rid of chemical harmful substances.

Food poisoning is also treated by washing, which can be done at home. For this, you can add manganese in cold boiled water, and drink a weak solution of manganese in large quantities, then insert two fingers in the mouth, trigger a reflex, get rid of the contents in the stomach. The procedure is repeated several times until the stomach is completely washed from the food. It is impossible to cure with one washing, and then a number of prescriptions follow.

You can not eat in the first day. To cure the disease forever - you need to get rid of bad habits. It is strictly forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol.

In a day you can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a gastroenterologist and sit down on a special diet that can cure gastritis in 2-3 weeks.

Dieting is easy. It consists in the rejection of the usual food before the illness in favor of low-fat diet, which is prepared for a couple, without salt and spicy spices. You can eat cutlets from dietary meat cooked for a couple, and for a side dish - mashed potatoes or vegetable stew. It is necessary to abandon fatty and solid dairy products, leaving milk and ryazhenka in the ration.

Food intake can be reduced in volume, so as not to stretch the walls of the stomach, but increase the frequency of consumption. Stay on the diet for 2-3 weeks until complete recovery, after which you can include the usual dishes in the diet. It is worth noting that, with a longer dietary intake, the chances of curing the disease are forever much higher.

How to be cured?

Chronic gastritis has different forms and difficulty flow, so there is no universal treatment. The disease is treated with an individual approach to each case.

As with acute gastritis, first of all you must give up all bad habits, and to review your diet to diet.

Depending on the acidity of gastric juice and the availability helikobakterioza assigned a different treatment.

With increased acidity, neutralization of hydrochloric acid and covering of damaged areas with a protective layer is necessary, therefore the doctor prescribes antacid, adsorptive and enveloping preparations containing sodium hydrogencarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium trisilicate, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, magnesium oxide, bismuth nitrate andkaolin.

This composition can be found in Almagell, Fosfalyugel, ranitidine and the like antacid preparations.

Upon detection of bacteria in the stomach Helicobacter pylori appointed antibiotics such as amoxicillin, clarithromycin, tetracycline, levofloxacin. When severe pain Gastroenterologist holinlitiki peripheral action can be assigned.

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