Infagel: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, composition

Infagel is an interferon-based medication manufactured as an ointment. Its main component has a powerful immunostimulating effect, so the gel is used to treat viral diseases, as well as to prevent their occurrence.

Features of the drug

Infagel( Latin Infagel) is a broad-spectrum drug. It has an antitumor and immunomodulating function, and is also capable of exerting an anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect on the body.

Dosage forms

Produced in the form of a gel for external and local use. The substance itself is a homogeneous mass of white hue with allowable delamination. This ointment is produced in tubes and in vials of 2, 3, 5 and 10 g, as well as in a tube of 1 g.

Composition of Infagel

1000 mg of this preparation contains:

  1. As an active component of : recombinant interferon 10 000 IU;
  2. As auxiliary components of : aluminum hydroxide 57.8 mg, polyvinyl alcohol at least 17.5 mg and water purified to 1000 mg.


The price of Infagel can differ from the place of sale, the form of issue and volume. The average price for the drug is:

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  • 2 g - 85-110 rubles;
  • 3 g - 100-120 rubles;
  • 5 g - 142-170 rubles;
  • 10g - 285-345 rub.

Pharmacological action


The main constituent of the gel reacts with certain parts of the body that contain infected cells. As a result of this interaction, the proteins of the viral infection become oppressed, and also the increased synthesis of protein kinases begins. Active components of Infagel destroy the virus at the cellular level.

Also the gel helps to increase the body's immune system by activating its own killer cells, has a radioprotective and antitumor effect.


Because Infagel is used topically, the systemic absorption of its main component is extremely low.


This medical product is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by viruses. They are treated with skin in the following cases:

  1. ARVI in children;
  2. Herpes all types, regardless of location( including on the lip, in the groin, etc.);
  3. Varicella;
  4. Treatment of sexual infections during pregnancy( ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, chlamydia and others);
  5. Some intrauterine infectious diseases in infants( enterovirus, candidiasis, herpes and others);
  6. Stomatitis.

In addition, the ointment is actively used for preventive purposes in cases of flu and ARVI, as well as during seasonal epidemics.

Instruction for use


Infagel is recommended to be used immediately after the first symptoms of a viral disease. For medical purpose, skin rashes are lubricated with neat circular motions. In this case, the ointment is rubbed in such a way as not to damage the integrity of the bubbles. Application of the composition is carried out up to three times a day for 2 weeks. After the focus of the infection has been treated with ointment, it is necessary to leave it open for 15-20 minutes, so that the ointment will form a special film on the surface of the skin.

  • To cure the flu and ARI ointment, nasal passages are lubricated. You can also do this procedure 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. With the preventive purpose, this procedure should be carried out before going out to the street, but no more than 2 times a day.
  • For the treatment of herpes, the affected area is treated with ointment after the first rashes. The gel is applied in small amounts on the mucous membranes or skin and left for 15 minutes to dry. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day until the infection completely disappears.

For infants and children

Infagel can be used as a treatment and prophylaxis in children from birth, including premature infants. To eliminate influenza and viral infections, the drug is applied in small amounts in the nasal passages. Cough syrups can be used in the complex. The nose is lubricated no more than 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

With the preventive purpose, the ointment is applied to the nasal passages 1-2 times a day for not more than a month.

In pregnancy and lactation

  • During pregnancy, as well as lactation, women can use Infagel with standard restrictions. Due to its external use, the constituent components of the preparation do not have a negative effect on the body.
  • The oral cavity should not be lubricated in the first trimester of pregnancy, because interferons that penetrate the saliva can contribute to the interruption of pregnancy.
  • During lactation it is allowed to use this product both for the purpose of treatment and prevention. However, it is worthwhile to refrain from treating skin areas where the newborn can lick the drug.


Use of Infagel is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of an allergic nature, which are at the stage of exacerbation.
  2. Pathologies of an autoimmune nature.
  3. Individual sensitivity to one of the components.

Side effects of

In the process of using the drug, there may be side effects:

  • The feeling of tightness of the skin in the places where the gel is applied;
  • A slight itch;
  • Allergic rashes.

Special instructions

  • After applying the gel after a few minutes, a protective film is formed which does not wash off or damage clothing for 12 hours.
  • Applying Infagel in the nasal cavity activates the first line of defense, which at times reduces the risk of contracting influenza or ARI and ARVI.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Antiviral, antibacterial and glucocorticoid drugs may be used in addition to this medication for complex therapy.


Reviews about Infagel positively characterize it, as a remedy against herpes and colds. The high effectiveness of therapy, rapid healing of rashes and the possibility of using it for children and pregnant women significantly influenced his reputation.

Of the drawbacks of the gel mentioned the need for its storage in the refrigerator, which does not make it possible to carry the tool always with you.

Analogs of

The analogs of Infagel are:

  • Alfarekin. As well as Infagel, it has immunomodulatory, antitumor and antiviral effects.
  • Acyclovir. An antiviral that is recommended for use in the herpes virus. As the reviews show, this drug is inferior in effectiveness and popularity to Infagel. In exchange for Acyclovir, Valaciclovir can also be used.
  • Zovirax. Used for local and systemic use against infections caused by herpes.
  • Interactive. The drug is designed to treat herpes regardless of its location.

Infagel is in high demand among other medications. He is preferred by a wide range of uses, high quality, effective treatment and other important factors.

Doctor Komarovsky in this video will tell about Infagel and other antiviral agents:

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