Table( diet) №1 with gastroduodenitis

The diet for gastroduodenitis is always made on the basis of exclusion or maximum restriction of the products provoking the release of gastric juice. So, the consumption of salty, roasted, smoked and spicy is reduced, and also various kind of rich broths. Regarding drinks, the strictest prohibition is the use of various sodas and alcohol.

In addition, before eating food while observing 1 table, it should be grinded well, or boiled during cooking.

Diet rules for gastroduodenitis

Undoubtedly, a specialist is prescribed an individual course of treatment and recommendations for gastroduodenitis, however, there are rules for compliance with diet number 1.So solid food should be thoroughly chewed, and food should be produced in small amounts through equal time intervals at least 5 times a day. Table number 1 assumes the supply of warm dishes, not hot or cold. In addition, all vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed and wiped with a clean rag. These are just general recommendations for compliance with dietary rules for gastroduodenitis, to find out everything else you need to seek help from a specialist.

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What does table 1 allow for gastroduodenitis?

In the process of adherence to diet number 1, gastroduodenitis allows the use of:

  • Vegetables - beets, potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin. In small quantities, it is allowed to use finely chopped dill and green peas.
  • The bread is only sloured.
  • Table 1 allows dietary sausage, low-fat cheese, vegetable, meat and fish salads.
  • Milk products are allowed to use milk, cream and cottage cheese.
  • It's better to drink not too much brewed tea, freshly squeezed juice.
  • It is allowed to cook food from rice, buckwheat, oats and semolina.
  • Meat is allowed to eat lean beef, veal, chicken and rabbit meat.

What forbids diet table number 1 in gastroduodenitis?

Table number 1 prohibits the patient gastroduodenitis, products such as:

  • Various kinds of smoked meat, salinity, fatty fish and meat varieties, canned food.
  • Different pies, black bread, dough.
  • It is forbidden to use cabbage, oxalicum, turnip, radish, cucumber, spinach and onion from the vegetable cultures.
  • Ice cream is prohibited from dairy products.
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