Treatment of cones of hemorrhoids, how to cure, to resolve, to get rid of, to reduce external hemorrhoids, what to do if they got out?

Hemorrhoidal cones are called dilated vessels of the rectum. They fill with blood, cause discomfort to the patient. If this ailment is started, the cones often get out and cause various complications, for example, such as thrombosis. Treatment of hemorrhoidal cones, first of all, reduces to eliminating unpleasant symptoms so that a person can return to normal life without pain, bleeding, itching and burning. There are many methods of treatment, the choice of therapy depends on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of hemorrhoid cones in the anus can not be neglected, because the disease in the early stages may not cause much anxiety to the patient, but over time the symptoms will intensify until they turn the life of a person into continuous torment. How to treat hemorrhoids depends on the stage of the disease. Timely appeal to the proctologist guarantees that the disease can be cured forever, without resorting to the help of a surgeon.

Conservative treatment of hemorrhoid cones

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It is natural that conservative treatment will not relieve the patient completely from such a problem as hemorrhoids and knots, they can be removed only by surgery. But with the application of local agents, the hemorrhoid cones can resolve, that is, they will not disappear, but they will become much smaller, only skin pouches will remain without signs of inflammation. Methods of treatment of external and internal plexuses will be slightly different, for example, in the first case, baths and ointments will work well, and in the second - microclysters and suppositories.

It is not easy to decide the choice of medicines for men and women, as there is a huge assortment in pharmacies. Certainly, it is better, if preparations prescribe the proctologist, considering signs and complaints of the patient. Consider several drugs, which are a kind of first aid, because they cope with the main signs of inflammation of the hemorrhoid cones:

  • Bleeding begins to disturb the patient even in the early stages of the disease. Elderly hemorrhoids can bleed profusely. The hemostatic ointments and suppositories will cope with this problem. For example, suppositories with adrenaline work well, but they have serious contraindications. The following medicines also proved to be good: Gepatrombin G, Relief, Proctosan. They are good for complex action, relieve many symptoms of external and internal hemorrhoids.
  • Inflammation of the hemorrhoid cone in the anus is usually accompanied by severe pain, especially if it often crawls out and bleeds. Reduce pain can be ointments and suppositories containing painkillers, such as lidocaine, anestezin and others.
  • Thrombosis is considered dangerous, if blood clots form in the hemorrhoid cones, it is better to be treated in a hospital. However, for uncomplicated thrombosis, the following drugs may dissolve the thrombus: heparin ointment, Ultraprotect, Hepatrombin G. They soften and dry the nodes and prevent further thrombus formation.
  • To cure hemorrhoids, you must first get rid of inflammation. External and internal injured cones are an excellent medium for different bacteria. To exclude inflammation, you can use drugs such as Diclofenac, Levomecol, candles with propolis.

If necessary, the proctologist complements the therapy with phlebotrophic and laxative drugs. If there is a strong inflammation, then antibiotics can be prescribed. To treat hemorrhoidal cones was successful, and they resolved, one should try to avoid one common mistake. Many patients forget about treatment as soon as they become better, but the course of therapy can not be interrupted, as the relapse can happen very quickly.

What to do to prevent hemorrhoidal cones from getting out?

Conservative therapy is beyond the power to completely and permanently cure the patient of cones, this task can be handled by surgery. But there is one significant disadvantage, if a person does not exclude the harmful factors that led to the development of this disease, then she can repeatedly make itself felt unpleasant symptoms. For the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, the following tips should be observed:

  • Diet. The patient needs to monitor his digestion, avoid constipation and diarrhea. For this purpose, vegetable food is introduced into the diet, and products that cause irritation of the intestine are excluded. Under the prohibition of alcohol, sharp, excessively salty, pickled, smoked and spicy dishes.
  • Gymnastics. To strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis, you need to do exercises. But not all sports are allowed. To avoid getting out of hemorrhoidal cones, you can not engage in weightlifting, horse riding and cycling. If the patient is aged, then exercise can be replaced by walking outdoors.
  • Hygiene. In the presence of external hemorrhoids, it is better not to use toilet paper, especially with a rigid structure, it is recommended to wash with cool water. It is also forbidden to sit on the toilet for a long time, this habit can aggravate the course of the disease and provoke an exacerbation.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk methods

Like folk remedies, folk recipes help to cope with the symptoms of the disease, but the effect from them may not be as pronounced. Hemorrhoid cones were considered a common problem at all times, so there are many folk methods that can alleviate the condition of the patient. A much greater effect can be achieved if the following recipes are used as part of a complex therapy:

  • Than to treat hemorrhoidal bumps so that they resolve? You can try an effective procedure with onion husks. To do this, about three handfuls should be poured with boiling water and wait until the infusion becomes warm. And then make a bath from it, you need to sit in it until the water cools completely. Some 10 procedures will save you from unpleasant sensations.
  • Natural candles. They can be made from cucumber, carrots and potatoes. They should be a small diameter, the vegetables are moistened with saliva and carefully inserted into the sore spot. In the presence of external nodes these vegetables are crushed and applied to hemorrhoids.
  • Camomile. This plant is often used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, because it has excellent wound healing properties, removes swelling and inflammation, and also protects the wound surface from microbes. From the infusion it is possible to make sessile baths, they should be warm, not hot. Remove the pain and remove the bleeding can ice candles from this infusion.

How to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids is now clear. But we must remember that there are cases when treatment at home is no longer effective and hospitalization is needed, and any delay can result in life-threatening complications. For example, heavy bleeding that opens almost daily, an inflammatory process affecting surrounding tissues, a cone that can not be fixed - all these conditions are a serious reason for going to the hospital, you can not delay it, conservative treatment is unlikely to work.

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