Launched by hemorrhoids, symptoms and treatment of this stage( form), how to cure at home without surgery?

Mankind has been faced with a disease for a long time, like hemorrhoids. The life of a modern person is very different from the one that was a decade ago. People spend a lot of time at the computer and driving. All this provokes the appearance of this ailment.

To a patient who knows what a hemorrhoid and its symptoms look like, it will not be difficult to identify it with you, without anyone's help. Currently, there are a lot of reasons that cause cavernous formations.

Venous formations can be localized both inside and outside the rectum. Over time, the hemorrhoidal nodes increase in size, after which they begin to bleed. To quickly cope with the disease, it is necessary to recognize it in time and contact the polyclinic.

Symptoms of the started hemorrhoids

The launched form of the disease, it is difficult not to notice, as the disease proceeds painfully enough. The main signs include:

  • The patient quickly loses weight;
  • Appetite disappears;
  • Hemorrhoidal nodes drop out for no reason;
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  • The patient's general condition worsens;
  • When the bowel is emptied, acute pains occur
  • Bleeding is observed not only at the time of defecation, but also after it;
  • Additional diseases appear.

Hemorrhoids can be divided into stages that have their own symptoms:

  • The first stage proceeds without inflammation, but there is already a minor thrombosis. The patient experiences severe burning sensation, and there is also a feeling that there is a foreign body in the rectum. During walking, there is discomfort in the perianal area;
  • When the second stage appears, the patient can notice swelling of the anus. As for cavernous formations, they slightly increase. When lifting a small weight, involuntary loss of hemorrhoids occurs;
  • Worst of all, when the hemorrhoids go to a neglected form. Cavernous formations at this stage can fall out spontaneously, even at the time of walking. There is a strong inflammation. Discomfort does not stop even after emptying. The act of defecation increases significantly, with the pain only increasing.

To reduce the likelihood of the emergence of the last stage of advanced hemorrhoids and their symptoms, patients should know the causes of this ailment. The factor of occurrence of the disease can be:

  • Excessive consumption of alcohol-containing beverages, as well as smoking of tobacco products;
  • Lifting heavy objects. This applies to athletes and movers;
  • Constant constipation;
  • No physical activity;
  • Excessive consumption of spicy or fatty foods;Diseases of the rectum.

Patients should note that the disease is able to progress rapidly enough, therefore, once signs of running hemorrhoids have been seen, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only after consultation with a specialist, you can proceed to treatment.

How to deal with neglected hemorrhoids?

To cope with a difficult problem, every patient should know how to treat a hemorrhoids. First of all it is necessary to resort to conservative therapy. It is best to help patients with suppositories and ointments from advanced hemorrhoids. Doctors recommend paying attention to the following ointments:

  • Aurobin;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Relief;
  • Proctosedil.

Treatment of advanced hemorrhoids should include medications that help to relieve pain. For this you can use:

  • Baralgin;
  • Spasmovervalgin;
  • Verolgan.

Do not forget about bleeding, which can cause anemia. Hemostatic effect of the following drugs:

  • Vikasol;
  • Calcium Chloride;
  • Dicinone.

When an advanced form of hemorrhoids appears, the patient may suffer from inflammation. To reduce the impact of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to use:

  • Posterizan;
  • Heparin;
  • Corticosteroids.

Sometimes it is difficult to treat untreated hemorrhoids without surgery. Sometimes doctors use minimally invasive methods. Depending on the neglect, the following are used for treatment:

  • Latex rings;
  • Photocoagulation;
  • Sclerotherapy.

In case of neglected cases, the disease can be eliminated only by surgical intervention. For rapid recovery it is recommended to combine traditional medicine and medical therapy.

Treatment for advanced hemorrhoids at home

Traditional medicine is capable of much, so do not neglect the recipes tested by grandfathers and grandmothers, how to cure the started hemorrhoids is necessary as soon as possible.

  • An excellent tool to get rid of the disease, is the infusion of blackberries. To prepare the medicine you will need a blackberry root and a glass of boiling water. Place the medicine on a slow fire, then boil for 20 minutes. When the product is ready, it must be allowed to stand for at least 40 minutes. Before use, strain. Take a tincture is recommended for a third cup for 1 time;
  • You can treat treated hemorrhoids at home using nettles, mint and poplar buds. Each component should be 25 grams each. Everything is mixed and poured with boiling water. The medicine must be infused during the night. The glass is divided into 3 times and taken before meals;
  • Juice of sauerkraut warmed over low heat and take half a cup of 3 times a day.

You can get rid of running hemorrhoids with the help of trays. It is best if the medicinal herbs are used as a solution. Baths are taken before you go to bed, but the duration of procedures should not exceed 20 minutes. It must be remembered that the solution should not be too hot, otherwise, the patient will experience acute pain, and bleeding may also open.

You can use lotions instead of baths. Medicinal herbs are also used for the solution. The procedure is best performed 3 times a day, so that the recovery is faster.

You can use ice to relieve pain. It is best if the ice is shaped like a candle, since it will be more convenient to insert it into the anus.

Complication with advanced hemorrhoids

If the patient does not start treatment in time, the patient may experience a complication. First of all, the patient is recommended to eliminate the inflammatory process and thrombosis. For this purpose, experts appoint:

  • Electrophoresis;
  • Coagulation;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Physiotherapy.

An important role in eliminating complications is played by a complex of physical exercises. This will improve blood circulation in the small pelvis. The patient is recommended to alternately relax and strain the muscles of the anus.

Categorically you should refrain from jogging and weight lifting. Otherwise, the bleeding will only increase. During treatment, you must drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Thus, you can reduce the likelihood of constipation.

Any manipulation should be performed only after consultation with your doctor.

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