Causes of dizziness occurring when turning the head

This is not a pleasant change in feeling like dizziness is familiar to almost everyone. As a variant of normal sensation in humans, the pathological rotation of objects around occurs when you are at a height, riding on a swing, with increased rotation. After the termination of such actions, the general state of health comes back to normal and no negative consequences appear. But sometimes it happens that dizziness occurs without special external and internal causes.

To provoke a fainting attack can turn the head or body, a similar state has a different origin of provoking factors. In order for the patient to completely stop the attacks of the disease, it is necessary to identify the real cause of the vertigo that periodically disturbs a person and can be done only on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis and with careful collection of an anamnesis from the patient.

Causes of dizziness

When examined in about 70% of patients who complain of episodes of short-term dizziness, there are no significant changes in the nervous system and other organs. Such patients after the examination are exposed such a diagnosis of DPPH, the term is deciphered in medicine as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

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The likelihood of the occurrence of PPHP increases with age, the highest number of patients is recorded after 50 years. The disease after a series of past seizures can stop itself, without medication.

The causes of benign positional dizziness, as revealed after studies, are abnormalities in the vestibular analyzer , located in the middle ear. Under the influence of negative factors in the canals and dome of the labyrinth of the ear, otoliths are formed-small crystals that freely move through all parts. When moving around the head, these crystals affect the sensitive receptors responsible for orienting the body in space. The irritation of the recipes causes a change in the hydromechanics of all the liquids in the inner ear, thus dizziness develops.

The causes leading to the development of unnecessary otoliths have not been fully established, but when examining a part of the neurologist's patients, a previous ear trauma to the ear, head or virus is detected. The disease is distinguished by the absence of deterioration of state of health at rest, dizziness occurs only when a person turns his head to one side.

Causes of developing dizziness lying

Some patients complain of dizziness symptoms without changing body posture, that is, dizziness occurs when it lies and can manifest itself during daytime or night rest or after waking up. There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of vertigo in the lying position, most of them are associated with the pathology of the cerebral circulation of the brain , in turn, its development is caused by diseases such as:

  • Hypertension and hypertensive crises.
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • Osteochondrosis of the vertebrae in the cervical region.

These diseases, in addition to attacks of increased false rotation, are often accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain in the head, sudden and not motivated by other diseases weakness, flashing of the dots before the eyes, numbness in the hands, restriction in movement.

Causes of vertigo in the horizontal position

Sudden and quite severe dizziness may appear quite unexpectedly for a person when he is standing. Causes of sudden and severe dizziness may be a violation of blood supply to various parts in the brain that occur when the corresponding arteries are compressed.

In the elderly, an attack occurs when atherosclerotic plaques are formed in the vessels, problems with the heart, in women in the menopausal period. In addition to these reasons, unexpected faintness develops with the following ailments:

  • Cerebellar ataxia - pathologies of the cerebellum. In addition to the apparent dizziness in this disease, violations are noted during movement - the patient widely places arms and legs, avoids turning the body to the side and can easily fall under the influence of a minor provoking factor.
  • Vegetovascular attacks. This condition is characterized by the patient as a sharp dizziness, increased heart rate, unreasonable anxiety and a number of other signs.
  • Diseases of Ménière. The disease is characterized by accumulation of excess fluid in the ear, due to this, the desired orientation of the body is violated and noticeable dizziness arises.
Dizziness during normal life may occur when you are in a stuffy room, with severe emotional stress. The likelihood of developing such a state increases with anemia, in the recovery period after severe colds or inflammatory diseases.

Causes of dizziness while walking

Unexpected head rotation in some patients occurs when they walk. Often dizziness when walking habitually occurs in patients with the following problems:

  • Intoxication.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • VSD.
  • The processes of sclerosis.
  • With depressions, neuroses.

Causes of an attack of dizziness when turning

In some people, the rotation of a number of objects is determined only by turning the head in either direction or with tilts.

If there are no other changes in the state of health, and the attack stops after the head returns to its original position, then the most likely cause of such a pathology is DPPH.

Also, occasionally lightheadedness when turning the head can occur with cervical osteochondrosis, Meniere's disease, neoplasms, neuritis, permanent migraines.

In order to properly expose the cause of dizziness when the head is tilted and, accordingly, to prescribe a course of therapy, the doctor needs to conduct a lot of appropriate examinations and carefully ask the patient about all the symptoms of the disease and the feelings that arise in him. To true attacks of a giddiness carry such change in state of health at which the person feels own rotation or fluctuation of objects surrounding it.

In most cases, a feeling of faintness when changing the position of the head is a symptom of positional vertigo.

For more details on the diagnosis and identification of the causes of various types of vertigo, see this article.

Often dizziness when turning and tilting the head can cause cervical osteochondrosis. Extensive information about this disease you can read here: http: // bolezni-nevrologii /golovokruzhenie/ golovokruzhenie-pri-osteohondroze.html

Some patients to dizziness include weakness, semi-fainting condition, nausea, shroud before the eyes. All these conditions are usually attributed to a false attack of dizziness, which is why the doctor always needs to detail all the symptoms.

Elena Malysheva in her program tells about the causes and method of diagnosing positional vertigo:

Symptoms associated with dizziness

With DPPG almost the only sign of worsening of general health will be a dizziness that lasts for a few seconds or minutes, less often it lasts an hour or more. Random movements of the patient and his fussiness provoke new attacks of faintness, which can occur one after another and are accompanied by nausea and sometimes severe vomiting.

When nausea, weakness and dizziness manifest themselves simultaneously, it is quite possible that these are symptoms of a more serious disease than DPPH.

Often they are signs of a stroke of the brain, which you can learn more about here.

A distinctive feature of RVPG is the deterioration of well-being only when the position of the head changes, its usual inclination forward or backward. RPAg also can cause dizziness in case of sudden rising. Most often, a seizure suddenly occurs after a dream or during a night rest.

Vertigo may be a single episode or repeat from time to time , for DPAH is also characterized by an independent resolution of the disease without drug therapy.

In the benign nature of dizziness, neurological signs are not detected, hearing is not impaired, but with prolonged attacks there may be a shaky gait for a certain period of time.

In rare cases, PDPH occurs frequently, up to several times a day, which greatly complicates the life of the patient and leads to the development of increased anxiety and depressive state.

Dizziness, as a symptom of disease, is accompanied by a number of other symptoms, they include:

  • Appearance of spots, flies or flashes of light in front of the eyes. Perhaps short-term vision reduction.
  • Tachycardia or bradycardia.
  • Dizziness does not go away at other positions of the body or is worse.
  • There is weakness throughout the body, trembling of the limbs.
  • Increases sweating.
  • The breathing is getting worse.
  • There are violations of other senses - hearing loss, taste change, intolerance of odors or vice versa, their lack of perception.
  • Fixes a fainting state.

All these symptoms together with periodic dizziness indicate a variety of serious or mild diseases, ranging from the defeat of the central nervous system and ending with a violation in the work of internal organs.

Diagnosis and diagnosis of

Diagnosis of BPHI is only exhibited after the complete elimination of all possible pathologies leading to attacks of dizziness. The plan of the survey includes the following activities:

  1. Radiography of the neck.
  2. Duplex scanning of vessels in the cervical region.
  3. MRI of the brain.
  4. ECG of the heart.
  5. of thyroid ultrasound.

Confirmation of the diagnosis of BPHD is carried out by special tests, among which the leading value is given to the Dix-Holpike trial. The patient is seated on the couch, his head is withdrawn 45 degrees to the side, when turning into which the attack of dizziness is fixed. Then the patient is sharply laid, providing a head tilting about 30 degrees, while the position of the head does not change.

Dix-Holpike test for the detection of

In DPPG, dizziness is fixed after about 1 to 2 seconds, and nystagmus can occur. Attack with nystagmus lasts no more than 30 seconds. When performing a sample in the other direction, there is no change in the state of well-being with a true RPG.

Treatment of

Vertigo, which is a secondary symptom of any disease, is treated with appropriate therapy from a neurologist, cardiologist or endocrinologist. Attacks of fainting are reduced only after the drug course.

PPVG lasts on average up to two weeks, then it stops on its own and can again recur after one to two years. There is no specific drug course for treatment of PDPH, it is possible to use soothing drugs and agents that affect blood circulation.

Leading role in the elimination of attacks of dizziness is given to the training of the vestibular analyzer, which after training can be carried out by the doctor independently.

The simple training package also helps:

  1. It is necessary to sit down, turn your head in one direction and lie down, without changing the position.
  2. The patient should then sit down, but the head should already be turned in the opposite direction.
  3. Classes are held for several minutes, at least five times a day.

In severe cases, an operation is performed in which a special substance is clogged with one of the parts of the inner ear, which avoids the movement of the liquid. The prognosis of BPHD is favorable, with an early detection of the disease with it, it is possible to cope with special sets of exercises in 90% of cases.

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