Treatment of headache caused by nerves

1 Mechanism of the development of the

symptom As the stress situation develops, pain receptors begin to actively work. The nerve cell has an interesting structure and contains basically two processes called dendrite and axon. The first component is responsible for the pain signal and transmits it along the nerve body. Axon implements his admission to the central nervous system. Nerve branches transmit impulses at high speed. For this reason, many people experience severe headaches after a nervous overexertion.

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When the pain syndrome passes through all the cells, the resulting information will be reproduced by the brain. He will respond to a request for nerve endings and cause the development of a migraine.

There are several main types of pain process. So, a migraine can be:

  • pulsating;
  • squeezing;
  • bursting;
  • tight;
  • concentrated on both sides.
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These headache episodes can occur not only as a result of nervous overexertion.

During the development of the painful syndrome it is advisable to go to the hospital. Especially if a migraine occurs after every stressful situation. You can not endure the pain, but taking painkillers in large amounts is also not safe.

2 Diagnosis and treatment of migraine attacks

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor carefully examines the patient. It is necessary to collect a complete history of the person, including the nature of the pain and the type of activity of the victim. It is impossible to identify the root cause of migraine without additional diagnostic studies.

The first step is to measure the blood pressure of a person and examine the fundus. These measures will allow to assess the condition of the optic nerve. An auxiliary method is echoencephalography. This method of diagnosis implies the study of supratentorial processes. As a result, all deviations are excluded and the areas in which pathology is fixed are identified. Craniographic examination and study of cerebrospinal fluid are also carried out.

When it is revealed, why the head starts to hurt, resort to traditional methods of treatment. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom will help drug therapy. In most cases, it is based on the use of pain medications and antidepressants.

However, everything depends on the nature of the pain syndrome and the reasons for its development. The following preparations will help to remove the pain:

  • Analgin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen.

If a person is constantly in a nervous strain, it is advisable to use Relanium. It slows down nervous reactions and facilitates the general condition of the victim. Amitriptyline is used to eliminate signs of depression along with a headache.

The symptom associated with nervous overexcitation leads to the development of a reflex spasm of blood vessels. To eliminate it, it is advisable to use Papaverin or No-shpu.

If a person suffers from constant headaches due to nervous overstrain, independent use of pain medication can aggravate the situation. The treatment plan is prescribed by a doctor, the duration of therapy is 2-3 months.

3 Preventative measures

It is almost impossible to eliminate pain without special recommendations. Drug therapy may not be enough for full relief.

In the network, a frequent request is this: when I'm nervous, my head hurts. This state is a scourge of modernity. To prevent its development will help permanent sports. Regular moderate exercise strengthens the body and increases stamina. Physical education should be complemented by walking in the fresh air. The body needs to be enriched with oxygen, especially if the person's work is related to the monotonous performance of any actions in an enclosed space.

Normalization of wakefulness and sleep will help to solve the problem. A person needs more rest. As a relaxing therapy should choose a favorite pastime. Regular execution of actions that bring joy, will reduce the likelihood of an onset of a stressful situation.


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It must be understood that the headache from the nerves is a pathological process. More often this symptom affects people who are not able to control their own emotions. Therefore, the first thing is to normalize the emotional state, and then proceed to preventive measures. If this does not work, you should go to the hospital.

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