Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults - how to treat, best modern methods, correct and fast ways

Disbalance of useful and pathogenic intestinal microflora is called dysbiosis. Almost every person with obvious or hidden forms, he appeared - after infection, treatment with antibiotics, with exacerbations of gastric diseases. Whether it is necessary to treat a dysbacteriosis? If so, how?

Modern methods of treatment of small intestine dysbiosis in adults include the following stages:

  • Destruction of pathogenic microflora.
  • colonization of the intestine with a useful microflora.
  • Achieving the right balance and supporting it at the proper level.
  • Restoration of optimal bowel activity and adjustment of immune status.

How to treat the intestinal dysbacteriosis, the gastroenterologist should solve. To begin with, it is determined which type of pathogenic microflora is most pronounced, and also what useful bacteria are in short supply. It is from these factors will depend which methods of medication courses are required. Dysbacteriosis is a violation, which provides for a long and complex treatment, and each case has an individual characteristic.

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Prebiotics and probiotics in the treatment of dysbiosis

Prebiotics are substances coming in with products that are not digested in the intestinal cavity in adults, but are a nutrient medium for beneficial microflora. These include lactulose, inulin, fructose isomers, galactose and other types of oligosaccharides. They are in sufficient quantities contained in dairy products and cereals, including wheat and maize, garlic heads, chicory. In pharmaceutical sales, where intestinal microflora disorders are treated, there are modern drugs, for example, Dufalac or dietary supplements, which also contain natural or artificial oligosaccharides.

How to treat intestinal dysbiosis in adults with probiotics? These drugs are the best of those that contain live bacterial cultures. These modern medicines are:

  • Monocomponent. They contain one type of representatives of useful microflora. Treatment with this method of dysbiosis in adults is a month and a half. The best drugs are Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin.
  • Polycomponent. They contain several types of representatives of useful intestinal microflora. Treatment with this method of dysbiosis in adults lasts about 14 days. The best tools are Lineks, Bifiform and Bifikol.
  • Antagonists. These agents are bacteria that do not belong to a useful microflora, but have the ability to suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Such a modern treatment of dysbacteriosis drugs should last about 5 days. The best agents are Enterol, Bactisporin and Bactisubtil.
  • Combined. In addition to the content of useful or concomitant microflora, the composition of such drugs includes substances that have immunomodulatory effects. Treatment with this method lasts about 2 weeks. The best drugs recognized Acipol and Bifiliz.
  • Symbiotic. They are modern preparations with a combination of beneficial microflora of the small intestine and prebiotic. The course of treatment with this method is at least 3 weeks. The best means are Laminolact, Bifidobac.

It should be noted that probiotics do not have the ability to colonize the intestine in adults, since this is not their task. They can only compete with pathogenic microorganisms, due to which their development is suppressed and the lost balance is restored.

It should also be noted that if the dysbacteriosis in adults has a severe course, then the use of this method of treatment is inadequate. In this case, antimicrobial agents will help.

Intestinal antiseptics for dysbacteriosis

This method of treating intestinal dysbiosis provides the body with substances that are not practically absorbed into the intestinal cavity, and can suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

The best means for the rapid treatment of dysbiosis are:

  • Intetriks is represented by a preparation that consists of three quinolone derivatives. The course of treatment is taking several capsules 3 times a day for 3 to 5 days. It is recommended to drink plenty of water.
  • Nifuroxazide is a drug from the gutrofuran group. In adults, the dosage is 200 mg 4 times a day for 7 days.

Antibacterial methods for the treatment of

dysbacteriosis Antibacterial agents will be prescribed only if a form of the disease is established and with strict consideration of the sensitivity of the intestine:

  • With staphylococcal dysbacteriosis macrolide agents, semisynthetic penicillin group and Linkomycin are used.
  • Protein dysbacteriosis and altered forms of E. coli use nitrofurans, sulfonamide drugs and derivatives of nalidixic acid.
  • In enterococcal form, a semisynthetic penicillin group, macrolide agents and levomycetin are prescribed.
  • With Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a method of treatment using aminoglycosides, polymyxin and carbenicillin is used.
  • In candidomycosis, Amphotericin B and Lamisil are used.

Bacteriophages in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

This method of treating adult dysbiosis is the use of drugs containing viruses that have the ability to attack certain types of bacteria. It is possible to combine them with antibacterial methods of therapy or use as an alternative treatment. The reception of bacteriophages can be prescribed internally or as an enema. To date, there are: staphylococcal, proteus, synaugnea and coliprotein bacteriophages.

Modern treatment of the dysbacteriosis

Since pathogenic bacteria have the ability to synthesize water-soluble vitamins and participate in the absorption process in the intestinal cavity of nutrients, dysbacteriosis is the first reason for the development of hypovitaminosis. As a method of treatment of hypovitaminosis is the appointment of multivitamin preparations.

Since in the case of dysbacteriosis, immune defense is always impaired, immunomodulators and biostimulators provide an opportunity to reduce the number of colds and quickly restore microbial balance of the intestine.

With this method of treatment, preparations can be prescribed:

  • Vegetable origin - tincture of magnolia vine, eleutherococcus and echinacea.
  • Extract of propolis.
  • Dibasol.3 tablets at bedtime for a month.

Symptomatic treatment of dysbiosis

To properly treat the symptoms of bowel disease, in the case of diarrhea, sorbents and astringent agents, antispasmodics and antidiarrhoeals are used.

In case of constipation, specialists who treat intestinal microflora disorders in adults may be prescribed osmotic laxatives, Sorbitol or Xylitol, vaseline oil, plant-derived laxatives, antispasmodics, lactulose. In the case of spastic constipation with dysbacteriosis, preparations with choleretic effect are prescribed.

If there is an allergic reaction to dysbacteriosis, it is treated with antihistamines.

Dysbacteriosis can cause a neural condition in adults. For treatment, sedatives are used.

Proper nutrition in the treatment of dysbiosis

Do I need to follow a diet? A successful result of treatment can not be obtained if the food is not normalized. Therefore it is necessary to eat correctly at the first symptoms of a dysbacteriosis:

  • It is necessary to refuse the reception of fatty and acute type of dishes, which complicate the process of digestion, have an irritating effect on the intestinal walls, and also affect the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Until the complete cure of dysbiosis is achieved, it is worth forgetting about the use of alcoholic beverages.
  • It is worthwhile to take the habit of drinking tea or water no sooner than 30 minutes after eating, as this helps dilute the digestive juices and make digestion difficult.
  • Cook only with boiled or steam method.
  • Included in the diet products that include live bifido- and lactobacilli.
  • To help in the growth of useful intestinal microflora, it is worth using as much plant tissue as possible.
  • Do not eat confectionery, whole milk, coffee.
  • Choose products carefully, they must be fresh and of high quality. Do not consume canned foods, dyes and flavor enhancers.

It is worthwhile to help your body to quickly cope with the digestive process by taking drugs with enzymatic activity.

So, is it necessary to treat a dysbiosis!? Necessary! Today's medications provide an opportunity for rapid recovery of microbial balance in the intestines in adults. And if it is reasonable to use antibiotics and maintain a rational diet, then you can provide excellent prevention of this condition.

Doctor Komarovsky on the dysbacteriosis

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