Nasvay: composition, properties, effects, symptoms of use and dependence

According to Russian legislation, nasvay is not a narcotic substance. However, in fact, it provokes irreversible changes in the body, leading to serious illnesses and causing addiction. What does nasavi consist of? What is the danger of using it?


Nasvai is a substance that is home to Central Asia. There it is considered an ordinary tobacco product, it is distributed absolutely legally and without age restrictions.

The name of the substance appears to be the word "us", which stands for the plant from which it was prepared earlier. Currently, the main ingredient is tobacco or tobacco, which is often replaced with cheaper tobacco dust. Some manufacturers substitute the main components of substances with a stronger effect.

Nasvai is produced exclusively by handicraft method. Sometimes it is called chewing tobacco, but the mixture is not chewed, but simply held behind the lip or behind the cheek. From the oral cavity is the absorption of active substances into the blood.

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What is made of

The main ingredient of nasvaya is tobacco or tobacco, but also add to it:

  • hydrated lime;
  • camel manure;
  • chicken droppings;
  • ash plants;
  • oil;
  • dried fruits;
  • seasonings.

For cheaper nasavi can produce from tobacco dust, glue, lime and oil or water, from which the balls are formed. In the countries of Central Asia, where this substance is very popular, there are many recipes. In some of these, tobacco dust is replaced by more active substances.

Most of the ingredients in the mixture serve as a molding function for the granulation of dusty tobacco waste. Due to the lime, the reaction of the medium changes, as a result of which the absorption of nicotine through the oral cavity improves. Instead of this component, chicken manure or camel dung can be used.

The resulting mixture has an unpleasant smell and taste, which is not felt only because a variety of condiments and dried fruits are used to mask them. In the study of the composition of nasivaya, arsenic, cadmium and mercury are also found in it, which are poisons and pose a danger to the body. A person who wants to try this mixture, it is enough to know its composition in order to experience a strong aversion to the ingredients.


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The video tells about what nasvaj:


The use of nasya is common among teenagers in schools. They believe in the promises of wicked vendors who claim that this mixture helps get rid of nicotine addiction. Costs us cheaper cigarettes, and sell it even to minors.

As a result of the general availability of the mixture, adolescents fall under the psychological and nicotine addiction. The danger of the action of the substance is that the concentration of nicotine in it is much higher than in cigarettes. For this reason, it can be called a drug with confidence.

Nasvay pawns on the cheek or on the lip: due to lime, the acidity changes in the oral cavity, and then nicotine is quickly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane.

A number of effects are developing:

  • Light relaxation.
  • Tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Dizziness.
  • Blurred vision.

Exposure to

From contact with nasivaem on the oral mucosa appear ulcers, which is accompanied by excruciating burning sensation. At the same time, the gums suffer, resulting in yellowing, crumbling and dropping of teeth. Often, dependent on the nas formed cancer of the larynx and mouth.

The active substances of the mixture are rapidly absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the body, causing irreversible damage to the internal organs. Reaching the stomach, they cause chronic diarrhea and indigestion, which leads to gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Excrement of animals in the composition of nasal lead to parasitic diseases, including viral hepatitis. Heavy metals - cadmium, mercury, lead - cause severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

However, it's not just physical health that undermines us. Psychotropic substances that are often added to the mixture negatively affect the psyche: memory deteriorates, nervous excitability increases, perception decreases. With continued use there are serious personal changes.


Nasvay differs from other drugs with a low price and the difficulty of recognizing dependence. At first glance, a teenager who uses this substance does not differ much from others. Therefore, parents need to show increased attention to their children.

The first sign of frequent use of nasva - frequent spitting, which have a green color. This is due to the fact that the mixture intensifies salivation.

When closely monitored, it is possible to determine other symptoms of dependence on the nasal:

  • orthostatic collapse;
  • weakened muscles;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • sharp deterioration in study;
  • changes in the psyche;
  • bad smell from the mouth.

Orthostatic collapse is one of the initial signs that appears with the infrequent use of a substance. It consists in clouding the eyes and fainting when the position changes from horizontal to vertical. If the child begins to learn worse and his behavior changes dramatically, it is necessary to have a conversation with him.

Ingredients often include animal feces, so after consumption of the substance there is a sharp smell from the mouth. It is so strong that it is difficult to drown it even with the help of cigarettes.

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Side effects

When using nasvaya, many side effects develop, as a result of which the general condition of a person worsens, work capacity decreases, appearance defects appear.

Euphoria lasts no more than 7 minutes, but this condition is accompanied by unpleasant and even painful sensations:

  • heavy in the head, shifting to the whole body;
  • by salivation;
  • by dizziness;
  • apathy;
  • with a strong burning of the oral mucosa;
  • increased sweating.

With long-term use of side effects nasovaya extends to many internal organs and systems.

There are violations in the functioning of the whole organism, as a result of which:

  • syncope;
  • tooth disease;
  • is a vegetative disorder;
  • of the disease of the oral mucosa;
  • lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

Does the dependence

Contrary to the prevalent myth, nasvai does not help quit smoking. On the contrary, it contains much more nicotine than cigarettes, as a result of which dependence on the harmful substance only grows.

Mental dependence on nasvaya develops very quickly due to the effect of relaxation, but the state of euphoria lasts only a few minutes. Soon, a person begins to want stronger and longer-lasting sensations, which pushes him to take substances with a stronger effect.

In Russia, nasvay not included in the list of drugs, so it can acquire any teenager. Sellers insist that this mixture has a light intoxicating effect and is not addictive. Children willingly believe in this lie and sit down on the mixture.

Formally nasavi is not a drug, but in fact it is still not registered in the state register. This means that the substance does not have a certificate of quality and safety.

Based on the results of laboratory studies, neurotoxic substances were discovered in our region. In particular, the significant excess of the permissible norm of lead, cadmium and mercury in its composition was repeatedly recorded. Any operations with such substances are punishable by imprisonment under art.238 of the Criminal Code for a period of 1 year, this is the answer to the question whether nasvay is prohibited.
Video about dependence and harm from nasawa:

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