Consequences of smoking during pregnancy for mother and child: diseases, statistics, possible violations

Smoking increases in 1, 5 times the probability of miscarriage, the risk of stillbirth - in 1,3 times. Hypoxia, caused by nicotine, leads to the appearance of children with severe genetic disorders. But even with the successful course of pregnancy, the birth of a healthy, merry baby, long-term consequences in his adult life are possible.

Consequences of smoking during pregnancy

A smoking healthy woman can have a completely healthy baby. But by 3-4 years, these children often have problems with the kidneys, heart, lymphatic and circulatory systems.

What are the consequences of smoking during pregnancy? First of all, nicotine dependence affects the health of children. They become hyperactive, suffer more often on lung diseases, have weak immunity.

Mom's smoking

A dangerous consequence of smoking a woman during pregnancy at different times is the birth of children with insufficient maternity weight. At a rate of 2500 g or more, a smoker is 8 times more likely to have children weighing 1,500-2,500.

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Children with shortage of weight often die in the first hours of life, and in adulthood suffer:

  • with lung diseases;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the liver, urinary system;
  • with tumors of different localization;
  • hypertension, heart disease;
  • metabolism pathologies leading to obesity, type 2 diabetes.

The increase in the likelihood of lymphoma is 2.3 times, the risk of diabetes mellitus is 4.5 times - what is the result of smoking in the first trimester. If the mother smokes, her baby is more tormented by colic than the baby of a non-smoking parent.

The risk of infant death increases, even if only one parent smokes, and the baby is breastfed.

Smoking of father

A non-smoking mother, inhaling smoky air, receives a dose of toxins dangerous for the baby. Especially the boys suffer. Their genotype is less resistant to mutations, which leads to genetic disorders.


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Fathers who smoked before their conception are harming their unborn children. Nicotine affects the body at the level of chromosomes. He does not violate their sequence, but changes the biochemistry of the interaction of genes. Incorrect work of genes, as the new branch of genetics of epigenetics has proved, is inherited.

By tightening a cigarette, parents cause mutations in the cells of the child's organism, leading to autism, schizophrenia, cancer, hematopoiesis in the next generation.

Smoking causes changes in any cells of the body, but especially the cells of actively working organs - lungs, heart, liver, brain, are affected. Thus, in the cells of the lungs of an inveterate smoker, 600 genes modified under the influence of smoking were found.

Violations may not appear in children, but arise as a congenital genetic disease through a generation.

Smoking of the father before conception is the cause of cancer in children in 14% of cases, which is explained by the damaging effect of nicotine on the DNA of spermatozoa.

The result of the influence of tobacco dependence is:

  • , the increase in tumors in children is 1.7 times;
  • formation of brain tumors - more often 1,22 times;
  • formation of lymphoma - more often 2 times.

The male line transmits the pathology of the genital organs, resulting in infertility.

Video lecture on the effects of smoking in pregnancy for a child:

Consequences for children in adulthood

Children of smokers who start smoking sooner begin to smoke themselves, they have a faster dependence on nicotine. The early onset of smoking leads to a delay in growth, a decrease in lung capacity, impaired posture, and muscle weakness.

Harm caused by nicotine during fetal development, manifests itself, even if the children of the smoking mother do not smoke.

Circulatory system

In children of a smoking parent, hemangiomas develop - benign tumors that arise when blood vessels proliferate. The danger lies in squeezing the surrounding blood vessels, neighboring organs, and also turning a benign tumor into a malignant one.

There is a pathology in the early stages of pregnancy, diagnosed more often immediately after birth.

Breathing organs

In smoking families, a child is exposed to respiratory ailments throughout his life. The respiratory system of girls is more affected. Smoking of a mother increases the risk of diseases of the paranasal sinuses, oropharynx, trachea.

By the age of 7, the children of parents who smoked during pregnancy were 35% more likely to develop asthma, and more risk of getting middle ear otitis media.

Reproductive system organs

When a girl is pregnant, a mother's smoking leads to the death of embryonic ovules of the fetus. After growing up, a girl may face the inability to have her own children.

The relationship between the birth of a girl with a deficiency of the birth weight and breast cancer in adulthood is also established. The reproductive system of the boy also suffers. Disorders of spermatogenesis in adulthood can lead to a decrease in the viability of spermatozoa, a decrease in their number, infertility.


The number of children with renal pathologies associated with smoking has increased. Every 6 children under the age of 10 years visiting a doctor, is contacted about the treatment of the kidneys. A child can be born with kidney developmental defects that are incompatible with life. There are positional anomalies of the kidneys - omission or rotation of the kidney in space.

Congenital pathologies of development include hypospadias, a disease characterized by a disruption of the dissection of the terminal ureter. Treatment of the disease is rapid, for the formation of the urethra plastic operations are performed, the tissue for replacement is taken from the child himself.


Smoking in the early stages leads to liver pathologies. Children of smokers are 2.3 times more likely to develop liver cancer.

The risk of liver cancer in adulthood increases almost 5-fold, if the parents smoked before conception and during pregnancy.

Brain and mental activity

In later terms, smoking affects developing intelligence, increases the risk of babies born with developmental delay. In smoking families, children often experience difficulties with speech up to 3-4 years. The possibility of having children with mental retardation in smokers' mothers increases by 75%.

The coefficient of mental development( IQ) of such children is below average, and the dependence on the number of cigarettes per day and the degree of development delay is traced. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day increases 1.85 times the risk of having a baby with an IQ of less than 70.

Smoking in figures

Here are the figures that characterize smoking during pregnancy:

  • 40% of infants breast-fed by smoking moms have intestinal colic. Nonsmoking moms - 26%.
  • Smokers have a 2-fold increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Chronic colpitis smokers suffer in 5.22 times more often than non-smoking women, cardiovascular pathologies occur 20 times more often.
  • Spontaneous abortions occur due to smoking in 11% of cases.
  • The risk of detachment of the placenta due to smoking increases by 2.4 times.
  • The probability of placenta previa increases three-fold.

When a girl is pregnant, the probability of presentation is almost five times higher, stopping smoking reduces the risk by 33%.

The risk of a dead baby's birth among smokers is 50% higher than that of non-smokers. Death in children smokers in the first days of life in about 40% of cases is caused by smoking. Spasm of blood vessels, premature rupture of amniotic membranes occurs in smokers 3-4 times more often.

Lack of weight of the baby, caused by smoking of the mother, leads to problems with learning. Such children are 3.3 times more likely to have difficulty reading, 6.5 times more difficult to give mathematics at school age.

The defect in the development of the spinal cord in children smokers' mothers is 1, 4 times more likely, the clefts of the face are 2, 5 times. Shortening of one of the extremities occurs 30% more often. Smoking of the mother during pregnancy increases the risk of otitis media of the middle ear. One third of children who smoke parents by the age of 16 have obesity, diabetes.

Effects of smoking during pregnancy in numbers:

Maternal health

Smoking during breastfeeding is dangerous for the child and mother. During lactation, a woman has a high metabolic rate. Smoking during breastfeeding leads to a rapid deterioration of the woman's body, aging.

Smoking mummy risks:

  • deterioration of visual acuity, color perception;
  • decreased hearing due to thickening of the tympanic membrane, decreased mobility of the auditory ossicles;
  • loss of full or partial taste sensations, smell.

A cigarette lover has 3 times more degenerative changes in the retina, 2 times - inflammation of the eyeball, which can lead to blindness.

Smoking increases the synthesis of testosterone, which leads to a relative lack of estrogen. Subcutaneous fat is distributed on the abdomen according to the male type.

Answering the question of how smoking affects the health of the mother, we can not fail to mention the thin skin, hoarse voice, darkening and tooth decay, varicose veins caused by peripheral circulation disorders, osteoporosis, insomnia. And this is not a complete bouquet of diseases, which endows the woman with nicotine addiction.

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