Cabbage with pancreatitis: color, sour sauce, Peking( Chinese), white, Brussels, recipes, is it possible with pancreatic disease?

With pancreatitis, strict adherence to the diet is inevitable, but it is important not to overdo it and not to exclude from the menu even the most useful products that favorably affect the pancreas.

Many people consume cabbage daily in a wide variety of dishes. But those whose pancreas sometimes has a tendency to become inflamed, I wonder if it is possible to eat this or that kind of vegetable in pancreatitis.

Is it possible to eat cabbage in pancreatitis?

Cabbage of different types and methods of preparation - fresh white, Beijing, color, Brussels, sauerkraut, stew, certainly have useful properties, but nevertheless, for some diseases, especially in pancreatitis, you must carefully choose and enter them into your diet.

With pancreatitis, you can eat Peking( Chinese), colored, sea kale, which have useful properties and contains many vitamins and minerals that contribute to the full functioning of the entire digestive system.

If the pancreas is inflamed, it is advisable to give up sauerkraut, as it irritates the mucous membrane. Stewed cabbage is recommended for use in pancreatitis, when cooking into which you can add carrots, zucchini, greens. In the process of this preparation, the vegetable retains all its useful properties and at the same time does not irritate the mucosa of the pancreas.

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Peking cabbage has a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole due to the content of ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, PP in its composition. It is best to use it fresh, even with prolonged storage, it does not lose its healing properties. The only contraindication for Chinese cabbage in pancreatitis is the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Many patients do not know whether it is possible to have sea kale in pancreatitis, which the nutritionists have an unequivocal answer - this kind of cabbage is considered one of the most useful for the pancreas. It is in sea cabbage contains the necessary amount of cobalt and nickel, on which the functioning of the pancreas depends. The lack of such microelements soon leads to disruption of pancreatic activity, which can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Cauliflower in comparison with other types of this product has a softer fiber, so it does not cause irritation of the pancreatic mucosa. Also, cauliflower is easily digested, so it can be safely consumed in pancreatitis. True, it is desirable that it was stewed or boiled, it is better to refuse fried dishes.

Knowing if it is possible to eat this or that grade of this useful vegetable in pancreatitis or not, patients have the opportunity to avoid exacerbation of the pancreas.

What cabbage is not allowed for pancreatitis and why?

Breeders have more than 30 different types of cabbage: Brussels, white, Beijing( Chinese).And this is not a complete list of species of this vegetable. At first glance, it seems that from each other it differs only in name and form. But, this is far from the case. Its chemical composition is also very different. That is why some types of product are shown to be used. And others, on the contrary - are taboo. At least at the stage of exacerbation of the disease.

For example, you can not include the usual white cabbage in the diet at the time of exacerbation in raw and sour cream. This is due to the fact that the vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, as well as essential oils, which act extremely destructively on the inflamed pancreas.

But the other species, for example, Chinese, Brussels, on the contrary, are indicated for use in pancreatitis. Since they have absolutely the opposite effect - soothe the irritated organ.

White cabbage with pancreatitis

But, at the same time, experts pay attention that cabbage can be consumed at the moment of remission, in limited quantities. However, a number of recommendations should be carefully followed.

This kind of vegetable as an independent component, should not enter the patient's menu. It is allowed only to use it as a constituent ingredient in soups, casseroles, rolls and other, permitted dishes.

It is necessary to introduce white cabbage into the diet with pancreatitis gradually. At the same time, carefully watching the general condition and well-being. At the onset of nausea, vomiting, bloating, slight pain, the vegetable should be immediately excluded.

The maximum daily allowance for the product is not more than 100 g. It can not be used fresh and sour at any stage of the disease. Complete taboos for this species in the acute form of the disease.

Boiled cabbage with pancreatitis

Completely eliminate, of course, this vegetable from the diet should not be. In addition to the "harmful" components for patients with pancreatitis, it also contains valuable substances.

This type of food processing is not chosen by chance. It helps to significantly reduce the content of such harmful components as fiber and essential oils. But, even after that, cooked cabbage, it is recommended to gradually enter into a diet. And only at the time of persistent remission.

Initially, this vegetable of any variety is included in the composition of liquid soups. In the absence of negative reactions in a small amount of vegetables can be eaten as an independent product. The daily dose is from 50 to 70 g. The dishes are allowed up to 100 g of the ingredient.

Maximum benefit and minimum harm will bring the body of Peking and colored species in a cooked form. However, with exacerbation or acute pancreatitis, it is not recommended to include these varieties in the menu.

Recipes from cauliflower with pancreatitis

Of all the known varieties, color, has the most mild composition. It contains a minimum amount of fiber. Therefore, it does not irritate the mucosa of the pancreas. But, nevertheless, it is recommended, there is not fresh, but included in the food.

For example, you can prepare a useful vegetable mashed potatoes according to the following recipe. The fetus must be divided into inflorescences. Pour them with water so that they are completely covered with liquid. Boil for 20 minutes. Then grind in a blender.

No less tasty and useful in pancreatitis is baked cauliflower. For this, rinse the vegetable, divide into inflorescences. Place them in a baking sleeve and cook in the oven or microwave for 15 minutes.

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