Is it possible to eat apples with pancreatitis( baked with inflammation of the pancreas), drink apple juice?

Fresh apples in pancreatitis gastroenterologists are advised to eat in a normalized state( with remission), moreover, only varieties with green peel. Red vegetables and fruits are more irritating to the pancreas. They can only be baked, and then the peel should be removed completely. To get used to apples it is necessary gradually, more than one fruit of the average sizes to use it is not necessary. Fruits are best stewed, especially immediately after entering remission. Acidic fruits and vegetables are forbidden by doctors in order to avoid exacerbation, therefore, from all variety of varieties it is necessary to stop the choice on sweet.

To the question: "Is it possible to have apples for pancreatitis?", And dieticians and doctors with narrow specialization are the same in their opinion - only sweet varieties. Do not forget that the surplus of carbohydrates is harmful to the sick. Apple juice protects brain cells from destruction, is useful in Alzheimer's disease. Well restores the body of apple juice after loads. The pancreas, which functions with impairments, poisons the body, therefore, is not able to cope with a large number of fresh fruits. The recipe for a baked apple is very simple:

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  • is cut off the top
  • with a spoon the core of
  • is peeled. The cavity is filled with a mixture of walnut and honey( which can be replaced with dried apricots).
  • apple is covered with cut top.
  • the fruit is baked twenty minutes at two hundred degrees

. The pancreas and apples become enemies in the periodexacerbation of the disease, after getting out of it by starvation, on the seventh day the fruit can be baked according to the above recipe, and use half. Baked apples in pancreatitis will not do harm in the same way as diluted sweet juices from these fruits. It is only necessary to choose juices without preservatives, the flesh in them is allowed.

The pancreas normally copes with the flesh of these fruits, unlike the pear, where there are stiffened cells that are difficult to digest, even, a healthy stomach. You can dilute the apple juice with carrot or boiled water. Apples with pancreatitis, including baked, supply vitamins and trace elements to the body, there are very few calories in the fruit. The pancreas does not experience serious loads, but, urinary, kidneys and liver receive necessary useful substances in the necessary volume. Therefore, after receiving a positive response from the doctors to the question: "Is it possible to eat apples with pancreatitis?", One should only observe the correct dosage.

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