The best, effective and modern methods of treatment of stomach ulcers. What are they and how are they applied?

The modern treatment of gastric ulcer opens new possibilities for effective recovery. There are fast ways, which in part involve surgical intervention. There are longer therapeutic courses, based on the use of medications, which can avoid surgery. Each of these methods has its own effective action. What kind of method to use in the treatment of the disease, only the gastroenterologist decides.

There are cases when an operation is simply necessary, especially with a perforated ulcer with a number of complications( stenosis, bleeding, penetration, cancer).Modern methods of treating peptic ulcer involve the use of intrastinal laser therapy. This is one of the new and effective methods that provides a direct effect on the affected mucosa and is carried out through an endoscope. Using a laser, the disease can be defeated four times faster than with conservative complex therapy.

Modern treatment of stomach ulcers today is considered homeopathy. This process takes a long period of time, but the result in 99% of cases gives a positive result. A course of homeopathic remedies is prescribed only by a qualified specialist who conducted a thorough diagnosis, has a complete picture of the medical history, degree of its complexity and severity.

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Effective methods of treatment of stomach ulcers were obtained in the last decade( 90s) of the 20th century, when for the first time scientists and physicians were able to synthesize high-tech drugs that are capable of inhibiting the production of hydrochloric acid by the digestive organ for a long time( about 18 hours).This remedy was called proton pump inhibitor( BPP).Due to the research, it was concluded that in all cases, gastrointestinal ulcers are cicatrized if the condition is fulfilled - maintaining the pH of the contents of the stomach at the level of the troika for 18 hours / day.

Drugs that were known at that time( H2 blockers of histamine receptors and antacids) did not meet these requirements. Therefore, a new tool in the treatment of gastric ulcers has proved that BPP are the best and most effective drugs of basic therapy. The main goals of the proton pump blocker are the shortest period of scarring of ulcers, the rapid elimination of dyspeptic abnormalities and pain syndromes. For a clear control over the use of drugs, including the proton pump blocker, a protocol for the treatment of peptic ulcer was developed.

Effective treatment of gastric ulcer associated with Helikobakter Pilori

As a result of the multiplication of Helicobacter bacteria, whole colonies are created in the stomach, and they cause ulceration. These bacteria are immune to the effects of stomach acid, so they multiply rapidly.

Effective treatment of gastric ulcers caused by Helicobacter is eradication( destruction) of the bacterium itself. In the Maastricht Agreement - 2( 2000), preparations for eradication, as well as their dosage and possible antibiotic treatment regimens are defined:

  • Therapy of the first line of .It provides for the use of 2 types of antibiotics - Clarithromycin( 0.5g 2 times / day) and Amoxicilin( 1g 2 times / day), as well as BPP( Omeprazole, Nolpasa, Omez) in a standard dosage( if necessary, they are replaced with Ranitidine or De-Nol).The course of the so-called "triple therapy" is about 7 days.
  • Therapy of the second line. In this case, the antibiotic Metronidazole is used( 0.5 g 3 times / day) and in rare cases Tetracycline( 0.5 g 4 times / day).Also, a BPP or a Bismuth drug is prescribed.

Modern treatment of gastric ulcer means minimizing pathogenetic factors. Previously, many different drugs and drugs were used that affected one or another factor of the disease. Now Helicobacter eradication methods are a single unit. Preparations of the first and second lines can be combined with each other, providing more effective treatment of pathological ulcerative formations.

Modern methods of treating gastric ulcers are constructed in such a way that as a result of successful eradication of the bacteria, tissue regeneration and ulcer healing immediately begin. There is no need to use additional antisecretory drugs.

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