Ulcer of pyloric, antral, outlet and cardial department of the stomach

In medical practice, the pyloric canal ulcer is rare and accounts for approximately 3-8% of all cases of a digestive organ defect. Disease of the pyloric part of the stomach( gatekeeper) is characterized by specific signs:

  • prolonged clinical course of the pathological condition;
  • acute pain syndrome, which is often expressed by prolonged attacks at night;
  • vomiting with acidic contents;
  • sustained heartburn, flatulence and a feeling of a full stomach after taking a small amount of food;
  • deep palpation of the abdominal mass in the pyloroduodenal region delivers local pain;
  • there is a high probability of complications with bleeding and perforation.

According to the mechanism of occurrence, the ulcer of the prepyloric stomach has similar symptoms with the disease of the pylorus and is formed as a result of hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid. The prevalence of disease formation is about 20% of patients from the total number of people suffering from chronic ulcers. As for pain, they can occur with a delay of 2-3 hours after eating. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs reduces the intensity of the signs of the disease.

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Ulcer of the antral part of the stomach

. According to the anatomical structure of the digestive organ, the antrum is in front of the pyloric department. The function of the antral part is to grind food into a mushy mixture and push into the duodenum. The glands produce alkaline mucus to neutralize excess hydrochloric acid and have a large number of endocrine cells. Failure in the motor activity of the walls of the stomach provokes stagnation of food. Then it is fermented and increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. As a result, there is an ulcer of the antral department.

Diagnosis of this type of disease is not difficult. A characteristic feature of the pathology is the young age of the patients. The main contributing factors are stress, alcohol and irritating food. Pains on an empty stomach appear in the iliac region or in the hypochondrium of the right localization, plus to this - there is frequent heartburn and acidic eructation. Approximately in 10% of cases, the ulcer of the antral part of the stomach is complicated by bleeding.

The complexity of the disease causes doctors to use a variety of therapies, but with adequate diagnosis and a properly prescribed drug regimen, recovery and complete scarring occur relatively quickly. Given the negative impact of chemical factors in which the ulcer of the antrum of the stomach develops, treatment is primarily initiated with a strict diet:

  1. only warm food and frequent, fractional meals;
  2. method of heat treatment - cooking and quenching;
  3. exclude sour fruits, coarse fiber and carbonated drinks.

Antacids are required for alkalizing the digestive juice, antibiotics to eliminate pathological microorganisms, and prokinetics to remove symptoms of severity. B5 and U vitamins are prescribed for the regeneration of the mucosal epithelium. If the patient has a chronic ulcer of the antral stomach, do not neglect the preventive examinations, and especially in the autumn-spring period, when compliance with diet and complete rejection of bad habits becomes the most urgent. And only a timely course of therapy can prevent complications, because the regenerating erosive foci can be the cause of cancer.

Ulcer of the gastric outlet of the stomach

The histological structure of the digestive organ is divided into departments that perform certain functions. The output part of the stomach smoothly passes into the duodenum and performs the transport function ground to small particles of food. Defects of the mucosal epithelium lead to serious disorders in the secretion system. A prolonged pathological anamnesis disrupts the movement of food from the hollow organ due to scarring of the initial portion of the duodenum. Most often, the ulcer of the stomach outlet is complicated by stenosis.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • involuntary exit of gases through the mouth with a rotten smell;
  • pain in the form of colic;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • weakness, weight loss, fatigue.

Instrumental examination of the digestive organ reveals its significant expansion, weak peristalsis and delay in promoting digested food. As a result of antiulcer therapy of the three-week period, it is possible to reduce the area of ​​defects and normalize the patient's condition, and complete scarring of the inflammatory foci occurs after 2-3 months of intensive treatment.

Cardiac ulcer

In medical practice, the ulcer of the cardiac stomach is more common in middle-aged and middle-aged male patients.

The cardia of the hollow organ is located in the lower part of the esophagus and prevents the reverse casting of food during digestion. The first symptoms that cause a cardiac ulcer are heartburn. Erosive defects lead to insufficient closure of the lower esophageal sphincter, and acidic contents are released into the alkaline environment of the esophagus. Most often, discomfort manifests itself immediately after eating. When the patient takes a horizontal position, the entire contents of the stomach enter the esophagus through an open hole in the cardia. With this pathology, only surgical intervention is performed, that is, they perform a resection. Even in modern medicine, the treatment of a cardiac ulcer is a serious problem because of frequent postoperative complications.

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