The first signs of a stomach ulcer. What complaints and sensations at illness or disease?

Clinical manifestations of the disease are quite diverse, and signs of ulcers can be both pronounced and uncertain, not causing pain. Symptoms depend on the size and location of erosive foci. They are also characterized by individual parameters of the body, such as age and sexual physical differences.

The very first signs of a stomach ulcer are manifested in pain sensations in different areas of the abdominal cavity, which can spread to the lower back, the hypochondrium and other internal organs. Discomfort begins to be felt after some time after eating. He has a cyclic process with periods of then renewed, then fading acute pain. The disease can be seasonal in nature, and, as a rule, exacerbated in spring and autumn.

Many people confuse signs of peptic ulcer with other diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Constant heartburn, recurrent attacks of nausea and eructations with acid taste, abdominal pain, constipation or vice versa, diarrhea with blood veins indicate that it is necessary to visit a doctor immediately. Self-medication is prohibited, and early diagnosis of any disease increases the success of a complete cure and development of the disease in a chronic form.

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Pain, as the first sign of an ulcer, can have a sharp blunt or burning character in the anterior abdominal cavity. Discomfort does not always arise only after eating. The patient can be haunted by hunger pains, including at night. Symptoms sometimes manifest as a feeling of heaviness and a decrease in appetite, which makes a person try to eat less, losing weight.

Complications that occur as a result of peptic ulcer are very dangerous. This is the perforation of the walls of the stomach, and the spread of erosive foci to adjacent tissues of internal organs, and bleeding, and pathological changes in cellular structures.

Complaints and sensations in stomach ulcer

Basically, complaints with peptic ulcer are characterized by severe pain in the abdominal cavity. Its localization depends primarily on the diet. After a meal, the sensations of discomfort can increase up to difficulty breathing and cold sweat, and after 2-3 hours to abate. Drugs that reduce the acidity of the digestive juice, reduce the manifestation of pain slightly. Although with a stomach ulcer normal appetite persists, but because of fear of severe attacks, patients are afraid to eat. Foci of erosion can be cicatrized on its own while observing a strict diet that excludes irritation of the walls of the stomach, but after a time there is a relapse that brings even more problems.

Depending on what signs of stomach ulcers appear in a patient, the stages of the development of the disease are also divided:

  1. In the first stage of , the pain sensations appear abruptly and unexpectedly, and then pass in the same way. Arterial pressure drops, the person's face becomes pale, and his lips acquire a bluish tinge. During an attack, the patient can not move and take a deep breath or exhale. Palpation of the abdominal cavity brings tangible pain;
  2. The second stage of ulcers is characterized by aching pain in the stomach, and if they are absent, the patient has other symptoms: a feeling of constant thirst, fever, bloating. Because of flatulence, periodic constipation is possible. A sign of the second stage of peptic ulcer is the accumulation of gases on the right side of the diaphragm;
  3. At the third stage of ulcers, there is a severe inflammation of the peritoneum, which is literally a day intoxicated by the whole organism. The patient deteriorates physiological indicators. This requires surgical intervention and surgery.

About a quarter of patients, a sign of stomach ulcer disease is vomiting with blood. Less often, there are cases when the disease reaches a degree at which the integrity of the walls of the digestive organ is disturbed. Through holes in the stomach lead to contamination of the peritoneum and peritonitis. If you do not need to call a doctor urgently, the person usually dies.

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