Symptoms of polyps in the intestine( gut), treatment of signs, manifestation in children, pain in intestinal polyposis, photo

Until now, it is not completely clear why polyps arise in the intestine, the symptoms of pathology are manifested only when benign neoplasms grow to large sizes. They begin to interfere with the normal progress of feces, become inflamed, inflamed and bleeds. Over time, the signs of polyps in the intestine become even more obvious. Large neoplasms, reaching the maximum size, begin to be expressed, break through the walls of the hollow organ and provoke the appearance of severe bleeding. Therefore, it is so important to begin treatment at an earlier stage.

What can be dangerous polyp in the intestines, how to learn to distinguish the first symptoms of the disease, what should be the treatment? The answers in this article.

What are the signs of the polyp in the gut?

As already mentioned above, at the initial stage, the polyposis of the intestine does not manifest itself at all, the symptoms depend on what kind of neoplasms develops, and what sizes they take. If the size of education with a pea, it does not reveal itself in any way. The patient is worried about flatulence, bloating, mild nausea, but he does not associate such a manifestation with the described disease. When polyps grow to the size of a tennis ball, then the main characteristic symptoms appear. We list the most basic of them:

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  1. If on the walls of the intestine the villous fleshy growths have settled, mucus and red veins are always found in the feces when emptying, indicating the presence of minor bleeding. Rectal bleeding can be strong, then on the toilet paper when you wipe the anus there are large scarlet spots. It is important to understand that other diseases of the digestive tract, hemorrhoids, or anus fissure can boast of such symptoms, for example. Distinguish pathology can only an experienced doctor, so it is important in time to seek qualified help.
  2. If pains occur in the polyp of the intestine, they indicate that polyposis has formed inside the hollow organ - a cluster of many large and small tumors that markedly narrowed the passage and blocked the way for the advancing calves. The patient in this case, there are constipation, it is they provoke cramping pain in the ileum, similar to those that accompany intestinal obstruction. Eliminate the obstruction and confirm the described diagnosis helps the sensation of a foreign body in the anus, mucous and bloody discharge from the anus. Pains are often accompanied by nausea and severe vomiting. Such symptoms have polyps of the intestines in children. They testify to the fact that the body has accumulated a large stock of toxins that poison it from the inside.
  3. Any symptoms of motor-evacuation dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract( constipation or diarrhea), if they last longer than a week, should cause the patient to consult a gastroenterologist. Only he, having carefully examined the patient, will be able to suspect intestinal polyposis, the symptoms will prompt in which direction to move and what diagnostic procedures to prescribe in order to confirm the described diagnosis.
  4. Those polyps in the gut, which are located on the long leg and are closer to the anus, sometimes drop out of it during defecation. In this case, this foot can be infringed, and, as a consequence, lead to severe pain in the anus. This happens in adults and children. And this is another symptom of the described pathology.
  5. Sometimes, when the polyp in the gut inflames, the patient's body temperature rises.
  6. A person often experiences a feeling of discomfort, which he can not explain in any way. Most often he connects him with the stomach and does not know that discomfort is associated with symptoms of problems in the intestines.
  7. Another important symptom is the drop in the level of potassium in the body. This phenomenon can be indicated by the appearance of severe sweating, a feeling of weakness in the legs, rapid fatigue. The fall of potassium provokes the development of intestinal obstruction.
  8. When the polyps in the intestine reach large sizes, the symptoms are replenished with yet another painful sensation. It occurs during each bowel movement. It is associated with the infringement of the foot of a benign neoplasm.

So, summing up all of the above, you can advise immediately, call an ambulance if there is a sharp cramping pain in the abdomen, if you empty in stool, blood veins are found if constipation or diarrhea does not stop within a week.

There are risk groups. Anyone who gets into them should go through a preventive checkup once a year. These groups include people over 50 years old, those who have a family history( hereditary predisposition to this disease).It is they who are most often reborn into cancer intestinal polyposis, the symptoms of which should help, as early as possible to identify the disease and begin adequate treatment. With such a scheme, in 90% of cases it is possible to achieve full recovery.

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