Diet for polyps in the intestines and food after removal

If polyps were removed in the intestines, the diet should be gentle in the postoperative period. It is necessary to try to observe the basic rules of cooking for a month before the first control endoscopic examination and learn how to choose only useful products. Any diet with polypas of the intestine involves the exclusion of any chemical, thermal, mechanical irritant factors. The intestinal mucosa during the indicated period is very sensitive to any aggressive effects, therefore the first step should be a complete refusal of alcohol and smoking. When discharging a patient, as a rule, receives the following recommendations for daily meals for intestinal polyps:

  • It is necessary to limit yourself as much as possible in salt consumption.
  • It is necessary to remove from the daily diet acute products, sour, too hot and too cold dishes.
  • From now on, you will have to eat often, every 3 hours( 5-6 times a day), but the amount of servings should be reduced by half to the usual.
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  • It is better to give preference to food cooked on steamed or baked in the oven.
  • It is desirable to wipe everything through a large grater.
  • Cereals are pre-grinded in a coffee grinder and only then porridge is prepared from them.
  • Sometimes, very rarely( a cup a day), it is allowed to drink only green tea or cocoa instead of coffee.

What is forbidden in the diet for polyps of the intestine?

After removal of polyps in the intestine, the diet is prescribed not strict, it is aimed at ensuring a gentle mode of operation of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, products that can provoke bloating, gassing, excessive production of hydrochloric acid fall under the ban. You can not use fatty varieties of fish and meat, any mushrooms, different marinades and canned food with a long shelf life, sweet, sour, sharp sauces( mayonnaise and ketchup including), coffee, all varieties of cabbage and radish.

You should not eat buns, peas, other legumes, and fresh milk. Special corrosive effects are provided by carbonated drinks and packaged juices.

Diet after removal of intestinal polyp

Any diet after the operation should be nutritious, full, rich in amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is important to support the immune system, so you need to find the perfect balance between the listed elements.

Patients with bowel polyps are recommended in the first postoperative period to have lean meats, slimy soups made from pearl barley, brown rice or oatmeal. You can eat porridge on the water, everything except rice. When preparing meat broth, not the first but the second broth is used. Veal or veal chicken breast is soaked in milk, washed and immersed in water. The broth is brought to a boil and poured out, then the water is poured again, and only after that the soup is brewed until ready.

Instead of bread in the diet is best to use crackers, made from rye bread. In a boiled form you can eat lean fish. From dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese, non-fat kefir and butter are allowed. In daily dietary nutrition for polyps in the intestine should include jelly, prepared from sweet fruit, jelly and broth of wild rose.

To better assimilate these products, doctors prescribe the use of drugs containing enzymes. A control endoscopic examination will make it possible to understand whether the diet was correctly observed in polypas of the intestine, whether it is worth continuing, or some indulgence can be made.

Nutrition for polyps in the intestine

Diet for polyps in the intestines helps prevent relapses. Useful one month after removal, there are more foods with a rich calcium content, and drink vitamin D for better digestion. An important preventive point - the use of foods that are high in fiber, antioxidants, you need to add olive oil to salads and try to minimize the consumption of animal fats.

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