Nutrition for diarrhea( diarrhea) in adults, what and how to eat in case of stomach upset, which table during the liquid stool?

For certain there is no person at least once in a life not suffering from an upset stomach, which is always accompanied by a loose stool. Everyone who has experienced this ailment knows perfectly well that proper nutrition should be organized for the successful treatment of the disease. With diarrhea, it is designed to protect the adult or child from the risk and improve the overall condition of the patient. The appointment of dietary nutrition during diarrhea is the prerogative of a specialist who, taking into account all the symptoms - diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, color and consistency of stools, will recommend the person the appropriate table.

Nutrition for diarrhea in an adult has quite large limitations, due to which the intestine works in the mode of greatest shading. The strictest diet, or best complete fasting, should take place in the first day after the onset of diarrhea. But it should be remembered that refusing to eat, in no case should you limit yourself to drinking, as it is necessary to maintain the water balance constantly to prevent the development of dehydration, as the body loses a large amount of liquid along with the broken stool.

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After the acute period of the illness passes, in the diet with diarrhea it will be possible to gradually include sour-milk products, crackers, unsweetened biscuits and fresh fruit. To the habitual menu should be returned no earlier than 10 days after the onset of the disease. What can be included in the diet in case of stomach upset? The following foods and foods are recommended for use:

  • If there is diarrhea, a sufficient amount of protein should be present in the patient's diet to prevent fatigue and fatigue. It can be obtained with hard-boiled eggs or low-fat boiled meat( chicken, rabbit, beef);
  • During diarrhea, an adult should pay attention to those products that are rich in potassium, since this trace element is easily washed away from the body with watery feces. Therefore, when diarrhea in the diet should necessarily include potatoes in uniform, fruit juices and bananas;
  • It should not be forgotten when adding stomach to dishes. In the daily menu, not only creams, but also salted soups and broths should be present. This kind of food will help prevent dehydration, as it will help to keep water in the body;
  • Adult diarrhea should also be fed by products that have a high content of pectin( water-soluble fibers).The best option is yogurts, bananas and apple purees.

And it should be remembered that with a liquid stool, the diet provides for an enhanced drinking regime. During an upset stomach, an adult should drink at least a glass of fluid after each seizure until the stool is normal.

How and what to eat with diarrhea?

The diets prescribed for diarrhea help restore the intestinal microflora and restore its suction function. Almost always doctors recommend table number 4.Thanks to the diet menu included in its composition, it is possible to reduce fermentation processes in the intestine and to soothe the mucous membrane. It should also be remembered that during diarrhea in the patient's diet should be such dishes that are boiled or cooked for a couple. Large pieces should not be present, all food should be wiped. Experts give several tips on how to create the optimal diet:

  • Use for diarrhea in the diet of meat is acceptable, only should take low-fat varieties. It is best to prepare the meatballs without adding spices, but with rice;
  • It is good, if in the patient's diet will be present dishes from fish, only here it is strictly not recommended to fry it. It should also be prepared without spices and steamed fat;
  • Nutritional needs of a patient with diarrhea and cereal soups, based on low-fat fish or meat;
  • Recommended for diarrhea and cereal. The best cereal in this case will be rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. Just do not forget that the patient with diarrhea should prepare exclusively on water;
  • Dairy products should also be present in the diet of an adult with a stomach disorder. Only they should be corrected. Cottage cheese should be consumed only completely fresh and calcined, and kefir - fat-free;
  • Vegetables and fruits, with the exception of bananas, with diarrhea should be served with boiled or baked, and also in the form of mashed potatoes.

There are also specific instructions for using bread in the patient's diet. Baking and fresh pastry are not recommended. Use with diarrhea should only dried bread from the highest grade flour.

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