Transparent diarrhea( loose stools)

Often patients ask a question about what is dangerous for a transparent diarrhea? Liquid chair, as is known, is a sign of various diseases, each of which has a negative impact on the body as a whole. Also, frequent watery stools wash away from the body all the beneficial microelements, vitamins and salts necessary for life. In the case where the feces are completely devoid of color, this usually indicates the presence of infection in the intestine. The stool is liquid, transparent in appearance and flowing like water is always a sign of a serious illness. But before determining the root cause, which caused this kind of diarrhea, stop the output of stool, in no case, not.

Many patients are interested in why it is not recommended to do this before consulting a specialist, because with diarrhea, especially having a consistency of water and an increased number of feces per day, so much microelements, salts and vitamins are required from the body in large quantities, and this leads to serious dehydration? The answer to this question is quite simple. Transparent diarrhea, flowing with water, displays not only the substances necessary for the life of the organism, but also pathogenic microorganisms, poisons and toxins that have accumulated in the intestine and provoked such infectious diarrhea in the patient. The appearance of a transparent diarrhea because of an intestinal infection can be determined by the following symptoms:

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  • Very frequent bowel movement;
  • Stools are watery, mostly transparent;
  • Because of persistent urge to defecate, the anal opening is inflamed and painful pain occurs with each act;
  • In addition to diarrhea, fever, nausea and vomiting are possible.

Among the pathogens that can cause such pathology, most often the specialists distinguish the E. coli that enters the body with poor-quality products, as well as salmonella and rotavirus. A chair with ailments caused by pathogenic bacteria almost always has a very liquid and watery consistency, but does not contain mucus and blood veins. Provoke the appearance of colorless diarrhea can also food poisoning, the harmful effects of toxic substances, overeating and even improper intake of antibiotics.

Treatment of transparent liquid stool

Before talking about the methods of therapy that are used to get rid of a transparent diarrhea, you should warn that any food poisoning, infection and other phenomena accompanied by dyspepsia in the gastrointestinal tract, must be necessarily diagnosed by a specialist. The complex of necessary medical measures should also be assigned only to them. This is necessary for the reason that often frequent diarrhea can indicate a variety of organic or infectious diseases. Determine which of them is present in a particular person is the prerogative of only a qualified specialist.

It is not recommended immediately to try to stop the loose stool, as this will not allow the microorganisms that have populated it to escape from the intestines, which will further provoke the development of pathology that caused a transparent diarrhea. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the drinking regimen and to consume enough rehydration solutions, which will reduce the risk of dehydration. In the event that the transparent diarrhea, accompanied by severe vomiting, caused significant dehydration of the body, the introduction of saline solutions is carried out in the hospital with the help of droppers.

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