Diagnosis of the pancreatic cyst - drainage( drainage), puncture, laparoscopy

Pancreas cysts are small in size, so in some cases they do not show themselves until a qualitative diagnosis of internal organs is carried out. Using such diagnostic methods as ultrasound and tomography, it is possible to detect the presence of a cyst in the pancreas. For more complete information on the nature of education, it is necessary to take a puncture for a full study. The analysis of the content is carried out mainly as one of the preoperative measures. This study allows you to get an accurate answer about the tactics of the patient's behavior. Having determined the type of cyst, you can make the right decision. The cyst can be large, exerting pressure on the internal organs, or vice versa, can have a very small size. The cyst is punctured with an endoscope. The endoscope is inserted into the duodenum. The diagnosed composition of the fluid influences the way of further treatment.

Features of drainage of the pancreatic cyst

An important way of researching and treating pancreatic cysts is drainage. This process is carried out under the supervision of ultrasound using special drainage. With this procedure, you can remove the formation without resorting to surgical intervention. The process is carried out under the influence of anesthesia. This procedure is also performed after surgery. Modern drainage helps to avoid complications afterwards, since foci with purulent fouling are adequately revealed.

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How is pancreatic pancreatic puncture performed?

Pancreas puncture is performed on an empty stomach. Before carrying out the diagnosis, the patient must pass general tests. The duodenum is a convenient place for making a puncture, because it borders closely on the pancreas. A biopsy makes it possible to obtain a liquid for analysis for the presence of cancer cells or other formations. This diagnostic procedure is designed to investigate the formed and unformed cysts of the gland. A safe puncture path is selected under the supervision of an ultrasound scan. The puncture process is performed using needles that have developed tags, which eliminates the risk of an accidental puncture during such a procedure. This diagnostic procedure allows you to obtain fluid for further analysis of the origin of the formation. After such a procedure, the patient is monitored for two hours, after which he goes home.

Laparoscopy of the pancreatic cyst

It is possible to determine the presence or absence of metastases in the pancreas before the operation with the help of modern laparoscopy. Using this method of diagnosis, you can choose an effective course of treatment, making up its individual plan. Laparoscopy is a simple and safe method of treating pancreatic cysts, not accompanied by a large number of injuries compared to others. Using this type of diagnosis, you can clarify the nature of education. The use of this method can significantly reduce postoperative pain, reducing the duration of hospitalization and recovery time. Rapid recovery of the body is explained by the absence of the need to make a large laparotomic incision for strong manipulation with internal organs to gain access to them. Thanks to this method of treatment, an excellent anatomical picture can be obtained, which is important in carrying out operations with the pancreas, which has a large number of large vessels in the operative zone.

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