Barbaris vulgaris: photo and description

One of the most common berry bushes that grows on the territories of Europe, Asia, North America is barberry. In nature, there are different varieties of this shrub. The most famous barberry is ordinary, photo and description of which today we will consider.

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Description and characteristics of the plant

Barberry common - berry branched pricklyshrub whose height can reach 3 meters. It grows on glades, on river banks, lawns and even stony slopes. Very often the plant is planted in cottages as a decorative fence. This bush has a creeping root. On the branches of the plant there are 2 cm spines.

The barberry leaf is thin, oblong, membranous, medium in size. The top of the sheet is dull, and the bottom is shiny. Flowers are light yellow or yellow, small in diameter reach 9 cm. The plant blooms in late spring.

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Fruit bush - edible berries with a rather sour taste. The shape of the fruit is oblong. The color of the fruit is purple or bright red. The fruit ripens from the middle of summer and already to the beginning of autumn.

Many species of this culture grow in nature.

  1. In addition to barberry ordinary, it should be noted the Tongberg variety. Low bush( meter in height), undemanding to the ground, drought-resistant variety, with yellow, bright red, orange color. The bush adorns the design of the gardens. Fruits are inedible.
  2. The most common variety of this variety is Barbaris Atropurpurea. "The color of the bush is magenta red. This species is characterized by a short flowering period. The variety multiplies superbly.


Useful properties of barberry

About the medicinal properties of plants known since ancient times. Barberry is often used to treat many diseases. To date, the celebrity of this plant in medicine has not diminished. This raw material for extracts, infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures.

Useful composition for all parts of the bush( starting from the roots, ending with berries):

  • berberine, which has antibacterial action;
  • vitamins C, P and E;
  • carotene;
  • pectin;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins.

In addition, the plant includes citric, as well as malic acid.

What treats the plant

Barbaris improves blood clotting. The plant is characterized by the following properties:

  • antipyretic;
  • choleretic and diuretic;
  • is anti-inflammatory;
  • diaphoretic;
  • is an analgesic.

The plant is effectively used as a hemostatic agent, for example, for the treatment of uterine bleeding.

And also prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the following organs:

  • gums;
  • of the bile;
  • of the liver;
  • of the kidney;
  • of the urinary tract.

Effective in pathologies of the spleen, gout, jaundice, rheumatism, as well as radiculitis. The fruits of the plant are able to quench their thirst, and are characterized by a laxative effect. They are taken to increase appetite.

Important! It is believed that the plant is able to slow the aging process, as well as the development of malignant neoplasms.

Contraindications to use

As mentioned above, drugs based on barberry are able to increase blood coagulability, so they must be applied strictly on the advice of a doctor. Older people need to take funds only under the supervision of a doctor. When pregnancy drugs from barberry are contraindicated.

Important! The unripe fruit of barberry is poisonous.

Homeopathic preparation Berberis

You can buy Berberis drops in pharmacies. The components and their characteristics of this medication are indicated in the table.

Name Characteristics
Barbaris Helps reduce gallbladder tone, activates muscle contractility, is characterized by vasoconstrictive, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Colocynt Stimulates the functionality of the liver and has a laxative effect.
Chemeritsa Promotes an increase in muscle tone, has an exciting effect on the nervous system. Characterized by analgesic, diuretic and choleretic action.

This medication is prescribed for complex therapy of pathologies of the genitourinary system and bile ducts to relieve signs of inflammation and pain.

Application in culinary business

This culture is characterized by valuable food properties, therefore it is used in culinary business. Suitable only for ripe fruit in fresh or dry form.

Important! Young leaves are also suitable for eating. Usually they are added to soups and salads.

The fruits of barberry add to soups, meat dishes. And also produce marmalade, drinks and juices, cook jam, syrup, mousse, pastille. In addition, the fruits can be salted and marinated.

In addition, the bush is considered an excellent honey. Barberry honey has a pleasant aroma, as well as a sweet, tender taste. The color of honey is golden yellow.

Plant reproduction: planting and care

Reproduction of barberry is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Bush division.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Taps.
  4. Cuttings.

To preserve all valuable selection forms it is recommended to carry out vegetative reproduction: by means of division, by green cuttings and rhizomes.

Planting the plant with cuttings. For planting this bush with the help of cuttings prepare cuttings, and then they are planted.

Planting a bush with the help of seeds

With such planting, the plant will bear fruit after 2 years. For seedlings, the seeds of ripe fruits of the plant are taken. The separated bones from the pulp are thoroughly dried.

It is recommended to plant seeds in autumn, to ensure the ascent of bushes in the spring. It can be planted in the spring, however, it is recommended to do this in the fall. To plant the seeds you need to make a shallow groove. For planting, loose and fertile soil is suitable. The site must be open and sufficiently illuminated.

Important! Thin the bushes after the appearance of 2 true leaves. For a rich harvest, it is recommended to grow seedlings without transplanting for 2 years.

Landing with the help of taps

For this purpose annual branches are selected. Make shallow grooves in which the branches are dropped and sprinkled with earth from above. Fasten, leaving on the surface of the top. By the autumn, the saplings of barberry are obtained.

Landing by dividing

For planting this method, the bush is divided into several parts. Although this plant likes soils with normal acidity, it can also germinate on soils with high acidity. This is a sun-loving plant, but in some cases it can also germinate on shaded areas.

In the case when the plant was decided to grow for fruit, it is necessary to plant it on an open, sufficiently illuminated territory. In the case when barberry is necessary to grow for rhizomes, the culture can be planted both in the shade and in the illuminated area.

Barbaris is an unpretentious plant, either for irrigation or for nursing.

He fits loose soils, and the bushes perfectly tolerate circumcision. Low-grown plant varieties can not be sheared. But if the barberry grows as a decoration, then the pruning is carried out in the summer. This plant is drought-resistant and frost-hardy. Barberry bushes must be fed. For this, mineral fertilizers are perfect.

Important! For best results it is recommended to loosen the soil near the roots, mulch and water the plant.

What crop yields this culture?

Harvest of fruits of barberry from one bush averages about 1 kg. Fruits can be harvested from September.

Important! Fruits can be found on the bush, throughout the winter.

This culture is very popular. It can be found in parks, cottages, orchards. The plant decorates the territory. In addition, it has found wide application both in cooking and in medicine.

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