Polyp and papilloma - the difference, what is different?

There is a difference between a polyp and a papilloma, but there is also a great connection between them. These are the most common types of tumors. Polyps are, as with a smooth surface, and with an uneven. Papillomas still have a more uneven surface, resembling a not very cute wart. In addition, they bleed much more often. They also have a high risk of developing into malignant tumors. The most dangerous types of papilloma are inverted.

Polyp is a tumor localized on the mucosa. It can be with a thin base( leg) or with a thick base. Most often in the digestive tract tumors are found in the stomach, the rectum and large intestine and intestines. In general, they are found everywhere, where there is a mucous membrane.

Papilloma is an epithelial formation in the skin area. They appear as a result of accelerated multiplication of cells. You can wait for the appearance of such formations, whenever and wherever. A site for education can be any area of ​​the skin, regardless of location. To her appearance is to be treated with attention. It can noticeably increase in size in a short time and it will be necessary to sound an alarm. After all, its increase in size can speak of a malignant character.

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In any case, the main thing is the cause of the appearance of papilloma."There is no smoke without fire," and, therefore, it is worth treating not only the education itself, but also what contributed to its appearance.

Very interesting, but the fact is - 90% of the world's inhabitants are carriers of this infection. At this time they "sleep" and at any moment they can wake up. They "sleep" for a month or a few years.

The main reason is weak immunity. Weaken immunity can be anything, for example, stress, inflammatory or chronic disease and even improper nutrition. In the event that before a person noticed such education he had another outbreak of chronic gastritis, then most likely this is the reason. It is necessary to treat the cause, otherwise it will be difficult to stop the development of such formations.

Unpleasant surprise can appear even in the most harmless place. So with the papillomas. In general, these educations are benign, but there are exceptions. There is a risk of switching to another malignant stage. From an oncological disease, no one is immune.

Often the place for development is the most traumatic parts of the body. So, for example, there was a wound, an infection got into it and the best environment for development was created.

What is the difference between polyp and papilloma?

Their difference is that they have different habitats. Some outside, others inside. The difference is that they differ in appearance. But the reason for the appearance is often one and the same. First, polyps may appear, and then the body will express its malaise externally. The presence of an education indicates serious problems. The polyp differs in its structure. Papilloma is a growth of a viral nature. Difference: the polyp has many more species than the papillomas. But at the same time skin outgrowths are much less likely to degenerate into malignant tumors. Treat them, both surgically and medically. Medically, the problem is treated more. And if the tumor is in a precancerous state, it is removed surgically. You can also try folk methods. Many confirm the validity of some folk recipes.

The papilloma virus is the main causative agent of such growths. In the digestive tract they are found on the walls of the stomach, intestines. It is the virus and their various varieties that contribute to an ever increasing degeneration into a malignant tumor. The difference between the two tumors is the method of transmission and infection. It can be infected by touching the carrier or sexually.

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