Colonoptosis of the intestine - ovulation of the transverse colon in the small pelvis, symptoms, treatment, operation, mechanism, exercise therapy, gymnastics, management

Pathological changes in the internal organs affect not only the general condition of a person, but also the possibility to provoke the development of various complications. In this respect, when the normal arrangement of the internal organs changes due to their omission, the consequences of deteriorating health can be very serious. Visceroptosis, as the disease is called, can develop both in a single organ and in two or more organs.

The most common is the omission of various parts of the colon, differing in the clinical picture. Perhaps the most important part of her department is the colon, consisting of four divisions( ascending, transverse, outgoing, sigmoid).It serves to draw water from the small intestine and undigested food residues. The omission of the colon known under the term "column" is called colonoptosis.

The main causes of the development of this disease include the defect of the colon, formed during intrauterine development, as well as the consequences of certain cavitary operations. Colonotosis of the intestine can develop with excessive physical exertion, after a severe pregnancy. In addition, obesity or too sharp weight loss, osteochondrosis or curvature of the spine with a very close location of the intestine to the spine, can also contribute to the development of the disease.

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Symptoms of colonoptosis

Disturbance of motility when lowering the transverse colon leads to stagnation of fecal matter, which provokes constipation, bloating. Slowing it when it is lowered leads to severe pain. The colon overfilled with feces presses on the genito-urinary organs, disrupting their normal functioning, and threatens with inflammation. Other symptoms of colonoptosis include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • chronic headaches.

Right-sided colonopathy is characterized by the involvement of other abdominal organs in the process. Left-sided drooping develops very rarely. Pathological changes are caused by the omission of the transverse colon in the small pelvis. At the same time the act of defecation is lengthy and very painful.

Those who are ill complain of pain in the left side of the abdomen and chronic constipation. Perhaps this is also the development of intestinal obstruction. The mechanism of ovulation of the colon consists in its elongation and large width of the mesentery as a result of weakening of the supporting muscles. In this case, the sigmoid section can be twisted, which causes the gut flap. Weakening of the muscles that provide fixation of the colon at a certain place, leads to its extra mobility and a functional, morphological change in the digestive organs. Symptoms of Colonoptosis of the intestine, in view of their similarity with the characteristic signs of other GI diseases, need to be confirmed by other methods of investigation.

Treatment of colonoptosis

To identify the disease in the early stages, the method of irrigography is effective, which allows to determine the size of the damage to the colon, its position, the features of functional development. This requires careful preparation and cleaning of the intestine. Recently, colonoscopy in colonopathy is considered the most informative and the best method for conducting research with colonoptosis.

Colonoscopy makes it possible to assess the condition of the mucosa, the diameter of the lumen of all parts of the colon, to see all the pathological changes and to make a biopsy in the altered places of its wall. An instrument that looks like a flexible probe with a light illumination of the optical system, equipped with forceps for collecting material, it is possible to examine the large intestine along the entire length. Contraindications for colonoscopy are:

  • symptoms of peritonitis;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • presence of cardiovascular and pulmonary insufficiency;
  • marked inflammation in ulcerative colitis;
  • pathology of blood clotting.

Alternative methods of investigation include sigmoidoscopy.

Conservative and surgical methods are used to treat colonopathy. The main principle of therapy, regardless of the chosen method, is the normalization of the process of intestinal motility. With a conservative method, a special diet, high-calorie and not creating difficulties in digestion, is first of all appointed.

The benefits of starvation for curing many diseases have been known for a long time. However, if you use fasting with colonoptosis, you should use this method very carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Reboot all internal processes, the purpose of which is curative fasting, will occur only if all recommendations are properly observed. Otherwise, instead of using it, it is possible to cause irreparable harm to your body.

An indispensable companion of dietary nutrition is therapeutic exercises with colonoptosis, exercises for which should be performed regularly. Exercises for exercise therapy for colonopathy are conducted in groups with health facilities, but some exercises can be performed at home.

Treatment of colonosis of the intestine with folk remedies provides a complex of procedures, including phytotherapy, manual therapy and various types of massage. Especially effective in the treatment of colonopathy folk remedies and infusions of medicinal herbs, removing accumulated toxins and toxins in the body, contributing to the restoration of active peristalsis and soothing the nervous system.

Treatment of the descent of the transverse colon has its own peculiarities and consists in the fact that, as a rule, this problem is solved operatively. This is due to the fact that conservative therapy is effective only in the early stages, when the disease is very difficult to diagnose. In general, with colonoptosis, the operation is prescribed in case of neglect of the disease and the emergence of a life threat or lack of effect from therapy.

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