Use of the preparation Diacarb with intracranial pressure

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1 How the

works As you know, hypertension in the cranial cavity is a consequence of a brain injury or internal hemorrhage. With prolonged neurological processes, high blood pressure is reduced with the help of Diacarb, which reduces the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid.

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The drug contains an active substance that increases the excretion of fluid from the patient's body and does not interfere with the overall balance of mineral salts. However, there is a negative side: the diuretic removes sodium and potassium, but regulates the pH of the urine.

The medicine is an indispensable assistant in the fight against high blood pressure. When there are symptoms of hypertension, it is necessary to start taking Diacarb in a timely manner, which quickly eliminates swelling. The preparation does not contain dangerous substances in its composition, and its main components are cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

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2 Who should not take the pill

A weak diuretic is a drug that reduces the production of carbonic anhydrase. It should be weighed down to taking the drug. In no event should this drug be taken to patients suffering from Addison's disease and prone to acidosis.

In severe hepatic failure, the diuretic worsens the state of electrolyte metabolism and can cause the appearance of dehydration symptoms in the patient. Hypoglycemia is a serious obstacle to the appointment of a diuretic drug, since the increased excretion of potassium ions in the urine leads to the appearance of severe ventricular arrhythmia of the heart. Mixing acid-base balance in fever, fasting, pregnancy can worsen if a patient takes a diuretic uncontrollably, not following the advice of a doctor.

Acidosis is dangerous because the amount of ammonia increases in the body of the patient, and the additional intake of Diacarb( acetazolamide) accelerates the synthesis of harmful substances. Therefore, it is so important to follow the scheme of taking the drug to prevent loss of bicarbonates. Diabetic patients taking a diuretic should be supervised to avoid complications.

3 Medication regimen

With intracranial pressure, the drug helps to stabilize the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the brain and improve the patient's condition. Children with hydrocephalic syndrome often observe an expansion of the ventricles of the brain and, as a consequence, an increase in intracranial pressure. Diacarb is prescribed for admission according to a scheme that can not be changed to avoid occurrence of side effects:

  • excitability;
  • lack of appetite;
  • tachycardia.

In children's practice, the appointment of Diacarb is justified in the case of the development of not only a hydrocephalic syndrome, but also motor disorders, and also cerebrospinal fluid hypertension. Course therapy can reduce the symptoms of high blood pressure in the cranial cavity and eliminate the twitching of the facial muscles.

Treatment of acute conditions associated with increased intracranial pressure is successful if the patient has consulted a doctor in the early stages of the disease. The appearance of some sluggishness and inhibition in the patient in the first days of treatment is associated with a decrease in the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid. Admission Diakarba is always combined with the appointment of drugs that stabilize the electrolyte balance: Asparkam or Panangin.

4 Medication therapy

If there are no contraindications for admission, Diacarb is prescribed at the dose recommended by the neurologist depending on the patient's age, weight and the stage of the pathological process. It should be remembered that increased intracranial pressure is a symptom of many dangerous ailments.

Newborn babies suffer from high pressure in the cranial cavity, but only a neurologist can decide whether to treat Diakarbom, after examining the child's well-being and the results of the clinical examination. Diakarb with increased pressure has a small inhibitory effect on the nervous system and simultaneously increases the amount of 24-hours urine released.

It is dangerous to use a diuretic drug in the hot season, because there is a possibility of a sharp dehydration of the body and a violation of electrolyte blood.


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In some cases, the doctor recommends the simultaneous use of other drugs that improve the function of the cerebral cortex.

The reaction to taking a diuretic is individual for each patient: often unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of headache, distortion of taste, nausea.

An epileptic attack appears suddenly and is accompanied by a sharp increase in intracranial pressure. A single dose of the drug is determined depending on the degree of development of the process, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. After taking Diacarb, a significant amount of the drug is excreted from the body with urine within 24 hours.

Hypertension always appears in a patient with an epileptic seizure, but Diakarb provides the necessary dehydration. After treatment with a diuretic, the patient's condition improves and the intracranial pressure stabilizes.

Diacarb is used in complex treatment, combining it with such drugs as:

  • Cavinton;
  • Anvenol;
  • Bilobil.

5 Side effects of

Before starting the therapy of high intracranial pressure with Diacarb, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the side effects that arise during the treatment. In some cases, the nervous system may suffer greatly after taking the medicine. The patient has seizures, a feeling of crawling, a lack of appetite, a small noise in the ears.

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If the patient does not stop taking the drug, he has disorientation in space, weakness, drowsiness. Often patients suffer from anemia and leukopenia after taking Diacarb, and also complain about the appearance of edema, damage to the oral mucosa. In the general blood test, agranulocytes and an increased number of platelets are observed. Some patients experience discomfort in the stomach after taking a diuretic: vomiting, nausea. In isolated cases, the patient is numb with fingers and toes.

6 Treatment of infants

In case of increased intracranial pressure in neonates and children up to one year, a neurologist appoints Diakarb for admission according to the scheme. Many children tolerate the drug well. In some cases, they develop behavioral disorder, refusal to eat, but the rates of intracranial pressure quickly stabilize. Parents must responsibly approach the recommendations of the doctor, combining the drug with the procedures and massage. The drug helps to establish positive dynamics, reduce activity in a sick child and eliminate the manifestations of hypertensive hydrocephalic syndrome.

Side effect Diacarbum in young children manifests itself in the form of violations during urination, the appearance of edema of the lower eyelid, changes in coordination of movements. In pediatric neurological practice, Diacarb is used to eliminate hypertensive syndrome caused by traumatic brain injury or neuroinfection, as well as after meningitis or hemorrhage to the brain.

Treatment of intracranial pressure is complex, and with interstitial edema the use of Diacarb in combination with corticosteroids is always justified.

Acetazolamide( Diacarb) is the most effective drug for conservative therapy of intracranial pressure in adults and children.

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