Insufficient pancreas, lack of its function in children and adults - symptoms, signs, treatment, diet

In the pancreas, digestive enzymes are produced that are necessary for digesting fats, as well as protein foods and carbohydrates. Without them, the process of digestion is impossible. Reduction in the production of these substances, as well as their retention in the pancreas, is called deficiency of the pancreas function. Symptoms of which are the presence of undigested fat and protein fibers in the stool, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, bloating and rumbling in it.

The reasons for the development of pancreatic insufficiency may be different. Most often, the reduction in the production of digestive enzymes is observed with organic damage to the tissues of this organ, in which they cease to cope with the task.

Treatment in this case should be directed to a common disease, because of which there was a lack of production of enzymes. For nutrition and normal digestion, substitution therapy is prescribed. Simply put, insufficient substances produced by the body are replaced by medicines that supply the enzymes necessary for digesting food and their deficiency is replenished artificially.

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Signs of insufficient pancreatic function also appear when stones are formed in the ducts that prevent the outflow of digestive enzymes and their entry into the duodenum, where the main process of digestion of food takes place.

A situation is created in which the body is able to develop the substances necessary for normal digestion, but the process of digestion is impossible at the same time. In this case, there are symptoms characteristic of any diseases of the digestive system: nausea, pain in the upper abdomen, bloating and rumbling. But it is impossible to diagnose failure only on the basis of these symptoms, you need to conduct laboratory tests and make ultrasound. The purpose of treatment in this case is to eliminate the obstruction of the ducts.

Signs of pancreatic function deficiency can be observed in various diseases of the stomach, various colitis, gastritis and the formation of stones in the bile ducts. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced, and the treatment is directed, first of all, to the elimination of the underlying disease. To facilitate the patient's condition and improve digestion, the intake of digestive enzymes is prescribed.

In any case, if you suspect a lack of pancreatic juice production, you should not self-medicate: you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pancreatic insufficiency in children

Children often have a relative pancreatic insufficiency. This condition is characterized by functional disorders in the body, with no damage to the gland itself.

A variety of bacterial or viral infections, as well as inflammatory processes in the duodenum and stomach, are a common cause of the ailment. Sometimes pancreatic dysfunction leads to excessive nutrition or the use of unusual food.

In children, dysfunction in the gland is often accompanied by various allergic conditions and dysbiotic disorders leading to an imbalance in the normal intestinal microflora. Failures in the body can cause intestinal motility disorders, resulting in constipation or diarrhea.

The clinical picture of the disease is manifested in a decrease or total loss of appetite, weakness, weight loss, there is a lag in growth. The main signs of pancreatic insufficiency are pain and rumbling in the abdomen, nausea, flatulence, loose stools. Paroxysmal or permanent pains are felt under the ribs to the left and can radiate under the scapula and in the back. Pain syndrome is particularly pronounced in the case of errors in nutrition and overeating.

Diagnosing pancreatic insufficiency in children is often difficult due to the blurring of clinical symptoms. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis and choose the right treatment tactics, all available methods of laboratory and instrumental research should be used.

Diet for the treatment of pancreatic insufficiency

The basis of the diet for this disease are three basic principles:

  • Drinking only thoroughly crushed and ground foods
  • Preventing food before bed
  • Refusing to drink liquid while eating

We recommend frequent fractional meals, you need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. Food should not be drunk, the liquid is not recommended to drink and immediately after eating. The use of salt should be minimized and try to adhere to a salt-free diet.

When serving dishes, you must comply with the temperature regime, the food should be warm. It is not advisable to eat cold or too hot food. Thermally processed vegetables and fruits, rubbed soups, semi-liquid boiled porridges on water are allowed.

In case of deficiency, fatty and fried dishes, sharp, pickled, smoked, salted foods are strictly forbidden. It should be abandoned sweets, flour and confectionery products, fatty rich broths.

In a diet with pancreatic insufficiency, low-fat sour-milk products, cottage cheese, natural yoghurts are included, low-fat meat, fish is recommended. You can drink alkaline non-carbonated water, not strong green tea.

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