Subcutaneous paraproctitis acute purulent - symptoms and treatment, surgery, folk remedies, photo

Among all kinds of paraproctitis, the subcutaneous is the most vivid clinical picture and is most easily treatable. This is due to the fact that the location of the inflammation focus in the subcutaneous fat in the immediate vicinity of the anus allows you to diagnose the disease at the beginning of development and immediately begin treatment. The simplest and easiest kind of inflammation of the anal glands on the bottom of the crypts, at the same time is the most common.

All symptoms of subcutaneous paraproctitis can be divided into several groups:

  1. Poor health, pain in joints, muscles, bones, accompanied by high fever( 38-39 ° C) and loss of appetite.
  2. Severe severe pains of a pulsating nature in the anus, intensifying with the release of fecal masses.
  3. Seals, swollen and reddened skin in the anus.

With palpation, it is extremely painful and a local increase in temperature is noted. The disease can be accompanied by a gut crack, hemorrhoids. Depending on the location of the focus of inflammation, the disease can be located in front, behind or on the side of the rectum. A bright manifestation of symptoms in acute purulent subcutaneous paraproctitis does not preclude a finger examination of the rectum. First, it is impossible to exclude the appearance of pus in the anal canal due to damage to deeper layers of pararectal tissue. And secondly, finger analysis determines the upper limit of damage.

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The presence of subcutaneous inflammation provides that the abscess is located no higher than the anorectal line, and the bowel walls above this zone should be elastic. Other methods of research( sigmoidoscopy, sphincterometry and others) are not used because of their painfulness of the inflamed area of ​​acute subcutaneous paraproctitis.

Treatment of subcutaneous paraproctitis

In the diagnosis of subcutaneous paraproctitis, it should be taken into account that it is difficult to confuse it with the appearance of teratomas, an abscessed boil. In favor of paraproctitis testifies the presence of a strand that goes to the anus, in addition, with the cyst, the contents, in addition to pus, contain a gelatinous, curd like paste, the contents. With purulent subcutaneous paraproctitis, there may be spontaneous dissection of the abscess and then the treatment consists in post-operative care and diet.

In this case, there is a risk of an on-site opening of the abscess, fistula. Fistula serves as a provoking factor in the recurrence of the disease, for example, with constipation or mechanical damage. Provoke the development of acute purulent subcutaneous paraproctitis presence of such factors as:

  1. Problems with the intestines( constipation, diarrhea), which often bother the person.
  2. Ranks, cracks in the near-anus.
  3. Diabetes mellitus.
  4. Weakened immunity.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by phlegmon or abscess and rapid flow. According to the signs, chronic paraproctitis does not differ from acute, but usually proceeds for a long time and can manifest itself only in the period of exacerbation. The methods of subcutaneous paraproctitis surgery depend on whether the course of the disease passes in acute or chronic form. Operative intervention in acute inflammatory process is carried out under general anesthesia and first examined using a rectal mirror and insertions into the abscess cavity of solutions of methyl blue and hydrogen peroxide of intestinal walls to determine the localization of pus.

A special tool is excised together with the sinus cavity wall. The rehabilitation period lasts for three weeks, paying special attention to the rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended not less than 2 times a day to wash affected areas with warm water and soap and after the act of defecation it is also necessary to do this procedure.

Folk remedies for the treatment of subcutaneous paraproctitis

There are many recipes for infusions, compresses, microclysters and trays with healing trauma, other tools tested for a long time. For example, an effective remedy for removal of the abscess will be a tincture of the mixture of the root of the althaea, millennial and psyllium leaf that can be ingested. Microclysters with infusions of medicinal herbs are put after cleansing enema. Sitting baths with sea salt or with mummies are very effective. Not a bad recipe for traditional medicine for the treatment of a child, which includes milk, garlic and onions. After pouring a mixture into a pot, put a child on it, and, wrapping it in order to keep the heat, can withstand some time. For the child, this procedure is not at all tedious and even can be enjoyed if something takes his attention to this time.

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