Proctitis gonorrhea, chlamydia, gonococcal, herpetic

Infectious proctitis causes the penetration of various bacteria. So, different: gonorrheal, chlamydial, gonococcal and herpetic type of disease. Each species has its own symptoms and treatment.

Gonorrhea proctitis appears against the background of gonorrhea. This occurs as follows: purulent discharge flows into the anus, where gonococci develop, which settle in the lower part of the cavity of the rectum. Symptoms of the patient practically do not disturb. About 30% of patients who subsequently develop a disease experience itching, burning and minor pain in the anus. With such a disease, mucous and purulent impurities may appear in the feces, as well as the occurrence of frequent urge to defecate.

The visual symptoms of this type of disease are that when viewed, edema and erosion appear. Microcracks can form around the anus with gonorrhea proctitis. It should be noted that this type of disease is very similar to that caused by other infections, therefore a number of tests are always assigned for diagnosis.

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Treatment is carried out mainly with antibiotics, as well as with the help of physiotherapy and taking medications that increase immunity.

Chlamydial proctitis

Chlamydial proctitis occurs due to the onset of inflammatory processes that are caused by chlamydia. As the main path of infection, sexual intercourse acts, however, a household cause is possible.

Symptoms of the disease are primarily itching and burning in the anus, as well as the presence of putrefactive and mucous discharge from it. It should be noted that the allocation will occur only with the act of defecation. Symptoms of chlamydial proctitis can also be expressed in unpleasant painful sensations in the lower part of the cavity of the rectum.

Treatment of this type of disease is carried out using rectal suppositories with protargol, since they have antiseptic and astringent properties. Pain is stopped with candles with belladonna and alkaloids. Also used drugs that are aimed at the destruction of the causative agents of the disease - chlamydia.

Gonococcal proctitis

Gonococcal proctitis is caused by the corresponding pathogens - gonococci. This type of disease is one of the types of gonorrhea proctitis, however, it has a slightly different nature of occurrence. They can be infected by anal intercourse and just be infected, for example, in the bathing process. The disease proceeds mostly without symptoms, although it may be painful sensations, itching, tenesmus and discharge from the rectal cavity. Treatment of gonococcal proctitis is the same as for gonorrheal disease.

Herpetic proctitis

The herpetic type of the disease is an inflammation of the mucosa, which is caused by the second type of herpes virus. It is worth noting that modern types of virus classification have already lost some of their importance, and therefore can manifest themselves not only on the face of the patient, but also on the genitals. With herpetic proctitis, there are strong painful sensations. In fecal masses, spotting can be detected. Often the patient is accompanied by constipation with an increase in lymph nodes. In herpetic proctitis, there are also common signs of intoxication.

Treatment of this disease is very complicated, since there is still no effective remedy for this virus. However, taking antiviral drugs reduces the severity of the disease and the number of relapses. To reduce the inflammatory process, cleansing and treatment enemas are used.

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