Sehydrin: instructions for use, reviews of patients and doctors, the price in Russia, drugs analogues

Treatment of diseases associated with the formation and development of tumoral neoplasms requires the earliest diagnosis and integrated approach to treatment.

And among the medications that have worked well both on user feedback and according to medical statistics, Segidrin stands out for its high degree of effectiveness, the minimum of adverse events and the ability to most fully influence the root causes of such diseases.

Form release, formulation and packaging

Available in the form of tablets having an enteric-dissolving outer shell of dark red color, Sehydrin can have two types of packaging:

  • in a can of polymeric material - it contains 50 tablets of double convex shape;
  • in cellular polymeric packing on 10 pieces in everyone, in a pack there are 5 packages.

In both versions of the packages there is a detailed instruction for taking the drug, giving an idea of ​​the methods of taking the drug for various diseases, possible side effects and contraindications.

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Photo of the preparation Sehydrin

On the carton pack, there is information on the name of the drug, the country of manufacture and the shelf life of the medicine.

The active ingredient in Sehydrin is hydrazine sulphate. Its amount is 60 mg in one tablet of the drug. Its selective form of influence makes it possible to exert the greatest influence on certain damages in the body without injuring healthy organs and tissues.

Additional components of the preparation are the following substances:

  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • polymethacrylate;
  • iron oxide red, used to impart color to the outer shell of the drug tablets;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • polyethylene glycol 600;
  • disubstituted calcium phosphate;
  • finely divided silica.

The multicomponent composition determines the breadth of the application area of ​​the agent in question.

Manufacturer Segidrina

  • The country-manufacturer of the drug is Russia, the company that carries it out is Pharmasynthesis. ATH code: L01XB

Indications for use

The most effective drug is Sehydrin in the treatment of tumor diseases. Its selective ability to neutralize the causes that cause these lesions in the body, regardless of the location of their localization, makes it possible to use Sehydrin for the symptomatic treatment of oncological diseases.

By stopping the pathological process of dividing cancer cells, eliminating the consequences of such haphazard reproduction, the active substance also struggles with the cause of this manifestation.

High efficacy of Segidrin allows to prescribe it in complex treatment even at significant stages of oncological process development, which is successfully used in the choice of therapy against pain manifestations of such diseases.

If you have a positive effect when you start taking the drug with severe pain, you can consider the option of even completely lifting drugs that dull the pain in severe stages of cancer.

The drug is also prescribed in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of symptoms of chronic fatigue;
  • for relieving dyspnea during physical activity;
  • in the complex treatment of jaundice and other serious liver damage, a decrease in its activity and disruptions in the work;
  • to reduce the feeling of fatigue, improve performance;
  • to improve appetite.

However, since the most effective use of Segidrin in the treatment of cancer of any stage( even the pretermal phase) with the removal of pain, it is preferable to use it during the treatment of any type of cancer lesions.


Because the drug has a high degree of activity and rapid penetration into the bloodstream, as well as through the intestinal wall with resorption of the surface shell, there are a number of situations in which the use of this drug has limitations.

An additional contraindication to the appointment of Sehydrin should be called treatment of the disease with drugs containing ethanol in its composition. Simultaneous reception of barbiturates significantly reduces the effectiveness of Sehydrin.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The drug is already effective 2 hours after taking the tablets. This rapid manifestation of qualities is explained by the ability of Sehydrin to be actively absorbed already in the gastrointestinal tract after dissolution of the tablet coating.

In the lungs, liver tissues and kidneys, the drug is contained in a more concentrated form than in the blood.

Active substance of the drug has a retarding effect on cancer cells, stopping their active division, reducing the penetrating ability of cells and their membranes, inhibits the metabolism of xenobiotics.

Such a mechanism of drug exposure to the patient's body allows to obtain a pronounced result even a short time after its administration.

The excretion of the decomposition products of Sehydrin is carried out mainly by the kidneys. In the body, the components of the drug are oxidized, and in this form they are excreted from the body.

Instructions for Use Sehydrina

The use of the drug depends on the patient's condition, the diagnosis made, the location of the site of the pathological process, the presence of pain and the stage of the disease.

Tablets are used for oral use only. Take Sehydrin tablets better before meals, washing them down with plenty of water.

The interval between the use of other medications should be at least two hours.

The course of treatment and duration of admission is determined by the doctor on the basis of the tests performed. The recommended dosage of the drug is one tablet three times a day.

The course is usually on the order of 100 tablets. In case of poor tolerance of the drug, its use can be reduced to two tablets per day.

The break between courses should be 1-2 weeks. The number of courses is not limited. However, the condition for the use of Sehydrin is an increase in the break between the courses of its intake for 1-2 weeks with each repetition.

Side effects of

The use of the drug may be accompanied by the following side manifestations if there is an increased sensitivity of the organism to the components of the drug:

  • by the appearance of skin rashes;
  • with reddening of the skin;
  • by the appearance of nausea and the urge to vomit;
  • indigestion and the appearance of problems in the work of the intestine;
  • some manifestations of polyneuritis;
  • is likely to eructate after administration.

The quality of a night's sleep can rarely worsen, there is excessive excitement during the day.


The number of tablets that will bring relief to the patient is appointed by the doctor after diagnosis and analysis of the general condition of the patient.

The occurrence of an overdose of this drug is extremely rare and is likely only if there is an increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Special instructions

The use of the drug during the period of bearing a child requires increased attention for the general condition of the patient. However, usually this drug during pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding, is not prescribed.

In the presence of jaundice, the preparation Segidrin has an excellent effect on the liver, stabilizing its condition and stimulating the work. The drug is most effective for jaundice caused by the penetration of metastases into the liver. Attention when using Sehydrin, patients with liver and kidney damage are required.

In the process of treatment, the patient should exclude products such as canned food, sausages, cheeses, yoghurts and alcohol.

Drug Interaction

To increase the toxicity of the drug in question, co-administration of tranquilizers, alcoholic beverages, barbiturates, antipsychotics promotes. Complex therapy with the use of drugs, also aimed at treating tumor lesions, is of great effectiveness.

Reviews of patients and doctors

According to the majority of those who have already used this antitumor drug, its effectiveness allows in a short time to significantly reduce pain even when the condition of the pathological process is neglected.

Ease of admission, the possibility of recurrence of treatment courses and a relatively small number of adverse events are the advantages of Sehydrin in comparison with drugs having a similar effect.

Many people note the affordable cost of the facility. This indicator allows you to purchase it even for those who have restrictions on the budget of purchase.

Price in Russia

A value indicator is one of the most important when choosing a remedy along with its effectiveness. And the price of Segidrin can be considered democratic: in pharmacies it can be found at a price of 1 850 to 2 780 rubles per package.

Where to buy medicine?

Acquired this drug should be strictly in the pharmacies. The regimen and dose are prescribed by the doctor.


Hydrazine sulfate is a basic drug that has a similar effect and is considered to be analogous to the agent in question.


Also hydrazine sulfate is synonymous with Sehydrin both in the international generic name and in the form of exposure.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Acquisition of the drug is possible only in pharmacies, and the condition for its purchase is the appointment of a doctor and the availability of a prescription.

Storage Conditions and Shelf Life

The drug should be stored in a room temperature and low humidity, away from fire and out of the reach of children. Shelf life is 3 years.

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