Constipation and flatulence( increased gassing in the intestine), do not go out gases, bloating in the newborn - the causes, treatment, diet and nutrition, what to do?

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Increased flatulence, which appears in both adult patients and newborns, is characterized by the large amount of gastrointestinal and gastrointestinal gases formed due to any dysfunction. Bloating and constipation are the most common manifestations of a pathological condition that torment a person. Why this situation may arise and what to do in this case, worries every patient who has developed similar symptoms. Gases and constipation very often appear together due to the fact that slow passage of fecal matter contributes to the formation of a large number of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive organs. As a result of their vital activity, negative symptoms accompanying the prolonged delay of acts of defecation appear. Constipation, bloating and flatulence are accompanied by reflex reactions of other organs, for example, palpitation.

What are the causes and signs of constipation and strong gas formation? The main prerequisite for the emergence of such symptoms is a violation of absorption in the digestive organs. The manifestations that accompany the pathology are as follows:

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  • In the abdomen there is a feeling of discomfort, overflow, loud rumbling and strong raspiraniya, and it is significantly swollen;
  • Flutulence arises - the gases formed during constipation come out from the lower parts of the digestive organs with a significant sound effect.

Usually, such a symptomatology corresponds to functional pathologies of the digestive tract, but when it appears, it is still worth contacting a specialist to find out the exact cause that triggered the onset of the disease, because it depends on the proper diagnosis and the purpose of the appropriate treatment.

Constipation and gases in newborns

All newly born babies first of all have problems with digestion. This is due to the fact that the GIT organs are not formed. The most common manifestations are elevated flatulence, bloating, colic, irregular stools. But these manifestations can not indicate a pathological constipation, since normal acts of defecation in infants vary within fairly wide limits. Violations can only be indicated by the consistency of feces, they are very dense, and come out in the form of peas, causing the baby pain. Gaziki are also not pathology for newborns, so something to do, take some emergency measures is not necessary. Flatulence in infants is a natural by-product of digestion.

But in the case when the baby has a pathological constipation accompanied by excessive formation of gases, they accumulate in the intestine in large quantities, practically do not go out, and disrupt the digestive organs. What to do in this situation? This question is asked by the majority of young, and sufficiently experienced parents. Constipation, bloating, and the withdrawal of gases always cause a small child to have severe abdominal pains that greatly excruciate him. Determine that the crumb begins abnormal bowel dysfunction, it is simple enough - during it the baby becomes very restless because of painful painful sensations, constantly cries and knits.

For the treatment of flatulence and constipation in infants, it is best to use not medications, but proven by the centuries recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They not only act very effectively, but also are unable to inflict harm on the baby. From increased gas production, flatulence and constipation in crumbs is good helps decoction of chamomile, fennel and mint. Also an invaluable help will be brought by a tummy massage, carried out with the help of soft circular strokes. It is thanks to such actions from the abdominal cavity that the excess air accumulated there begins, the urge to excrement begins, and the swelling ceases.

Diets with flatulence and constipation

This kind of treatment is necessary in case of the appearance of gases during constipation. With the help of nutrition correction, without resorting to medications, it is very easy to regulate the digestive organs. With dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract of this type in the diet menu of patients, products having a laxative effect should be present in large quantities. They will contribute to the speedy cessation of constipation. The best thing. If it is a soft, soluble fiber. It does not cause excessive gas generation, and therefore is completely safe for patients with this pathology. In the diet menu with constipation and gases must necessarily include beet and carrot juice, prunes, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables that do not cause fermentation. There are also general rules that are prescribed by a diet aimed at stopping elevated flatulence:

  • Do not overeat at all, it will prevent the risk of stagnant stool and constipation;
  • All foods used must be dietary and contain a minimum of fat;
  • You can not eat legumes and cabbage, as they increase the occurrence of gases.

It is clear that a diet with gases and constipation excludes from the diet of a person any dairy products, this applies to butter. This recommendation is associated with the fact that with age, the amount of a special enzyme, lactase, in the cells of our body is significantly reduced, and, therefore, milk can not be sufficiently divided into useful components. At the same time, a large number of undigested particles accumulating in the digestive organs cause the formation of gases. From the diet, fatty varieties of meat or fish are completely excluded, which provoke the appearance of constipation.

The food ration for patients with long stool delays is largely dependent on the underlying disease, which caused abnormalities in the bowel movement rate. Because of this, a certain menu that would fit everyone simply does not exist. If a person does not have special contraindications( edema, heart disease), then a patient suffering from constipation and gases should drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of liquid per day. Strengthening the drinking regime contributes to the fact that it does not allow the drying of stools during their slow evacuation from the digestive tract.

Constipation and gassing in the intestine can also be eradicated provided that the correct diet is maintained. What should be done for this? The main will be the use of fractionality when eating. Is recommended 5-6 times a day, in small portions. The nature of the culinary processing of products also has a certain value. In general, with this pathology it is recommended to pay attention to salads. Pieces of vegetables in them should be large enough. If there are no additional medical reasons and contraindications, all components in this dish should be put in raw form.

Also, with such a delicate pathology as constipation with gassing, universal helpers will come to the rescue. This means, prepared according to national recipes, mint or chamomile teas, dill water. They have analgesic effect, restore the vital activity of normal microflora and regulate the work of peristalsis.

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