The causes of polyps in the stomach and the appearance( appearance) of polyposis

Typically, polyps, especially at the developmental stage, are symptomatic of a very similar gastritis. The tumor of the hyperplastic type, which is the most common and accounts for almost 90 percent of the total volume of stomach polyps, usually occurs against a background of gastritis. In this case, after curing gastritis, you can get rid of this disease at the same time. Among the causes of polyps in the stomach can be identified:

  1. Processes associated with the structure of the body and genetic predisposition. The incidence of outgrowth in the digestive tract is much greater with age, and is more than 70 percent among patients over the age of sixty.
  2. The presence in the body of bacteria Helicobacter, which provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of a chronic nature.
  4. Abuse of alcohol and tobacco.
  5. Prolonged intake of proton pump inhibitors used against reflux disease.

If to speak in general, then the reasons for the appearance of polyps in the stomach can be called the response of the body to various disorders in the mucosa or inflammatory processes.

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Among the majority of medical workers the most popular version about the development of this disease is due to the disruption of the normal course of the process of gastric mucosal regeneration. Much less often than hyperplastic, in the stomach there are adenomatous polyps, which are similar to warts on the broad pedicel, the adenomatous appearance of the growths due to the tendency to malignancy is very dangerous. The degeneration of formations of the second type containing glandular tissue into malignant formation( malignization) can be caused by causes associated with unhealthy lifestyle and abuse of fatty foods.

There is a direct relationship between the dimensions of the built-up edge and its degeneration. For example, if the size of the polyp is 2 cm, then in 24% of the diseased there is a malignant formation. A special group can be distinguished polyposive syndromes, the incidence of which is about two percent. The cause of polyposis is mainly genetic predisposition, when the disease is transmitted to children from their parents. This species is characterized by multiple formations and the risk of degeneration of a rapidly growing tumor into a malignant, very high one. In addition to the causes that are characteristic for the appearance of tumors in the digestive tract, the reasons for the development of polyposis can be:

  • gastroesophageal;
  • reflux disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • reduced gastric acidity;
  • operation.

It is not possible to unambiguously determine the reasons for the development of polyposis. It is perfectly possible that pathology is never formed in healthy tissues. That is, any pathology of the organ can cause the development of tumors in the stomach. Polyposis of the stomach can occupy a large area, containing dozens of formations - from the smallest ones, the size of a poppy seed and growing to several centimeters. For the treatment of polyposis, only surgical intervention is used by means of the endoscopy method, or through the operation of the cavity.

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