Symptoms of polyps and signs of polyposis, does it hurt?

Polyps of the digestive system are benign formations that resemble a tumor or wart and grow from the wall of the stomach or intestine into their lumen and in the first stages of its development do not have obvious symptoms. Any such neoplasm should be considered as a beginning oncological disease.

The reasons for their occurrence are not reliably ascertained. But most likely, the development of this pathology occurs only when several causes that are supposed to lead to the appearance of these defect-like outgrowths on the mucosa begin to affect the patient's body in the complex.

The main signs of polyps

The overwhelming number of patients who have a history of these insidious malformations, for a long time did not notice any symptoms that would indicate their presence. Identification of their pathology occurred quite by accident, when carrying out an endoscopy study, which was prescribed for a very different disease.

You can also determine its presence if the health authorities conduct a targeted population survey. In almost 80% of cases, those exposed to the formation of these defects in the digestive organs are over 50 years old.

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Symptoms of the presence of single polyps begin to appear with the growth of these defects, which rise above the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Also, noticeable signs of this pathology can give accession to it of an inflammatory process that has arisen in the organs of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of the presence of polyps are most often most pronounced in the development of this pathology in the intestine. In this case, they are as follows:

  • With mild masses, mucus and blood begin to be released, often in fairly large quantities;
  • Frequent abdominal pain;
  • Symptoms of having a single polyp, or polyposis in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, may be signs that are not quite obvious for this pathology, such as a feeling of discomfort and stool disorders, which are manifested by diarrhea or constipation.

And in case of growth of polyps in the stomach their symptoms completely correspond to gastritis or ulcers. Bloody discharge in fecal masses is manifested when the growing tumor-like defect on the thin leg is in the antrum and falls into the rectum.

Symptoms of polyposis

When several polyps are combined in a group, the patient is diagnosed with a disease such as a polyposis having a certain symptomatology. It represents clusters in a single place on the mucosa of the digestive organ of a large number of benign outgrowths, and develops usually due to numerous mechanical effects on it.

  • Symptomatic of polyposis directly depends on the features of the histological structure of the polyps that caused this disease. The main signs of the disease are as follows:
  • In the abdomen there is a spilled pain, and the process of defecation is accompanied by sharp painful sensations;
  • In vaginal or vomiting masses, blood is present mixed with mucus;
  • Stool disorders.

Polyposis also corresponds to such general physiological signs that may be in single polyps, such as exhaustion of the body, anemia and the associated weakness. But these symptoms can talk about other diseases of the digestive tract, so when they appear, it is mandatory to undergo a complete diagnosis, which allows you to detect not only the presence of these defects, but also to determine their histology.

In the case where the clumps of polyps are localized in the large intestine, the patient usually has a symptom such as a strong muscular tension that is felt in the ileum. Also, palpation can feel the seals.

In addition, the signs that correspond to the accumulations of these pathological outgrowths formed on the mucosa are as follows:

  • Feeling of gravity in the place where these new growths are localized;
  • Painful sensations in the epigastric or retrograde region, often spreading over the abdomen;
  • The lack of a chair for quite some time. Usually, with this disease, the duration of such a delay is more than 2 days and is due to the fact that a large outgrowth overlaps the intestinal lumen.

But these symptoms will be manifested in this disease only if the polyps that come into the cluster reach a fairly large size.

The most unfavorable symptom that can cause a developing polyp in the stomach or intestines is spotting, present either in vomit or in stool. He directly signals that the neoplasm has undergone destruction, that is, destruction, and is fully ready to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Do polyps hurt?

The pain symptom when these tumor-like defects appear in the digestive organs begins to disturb the patient not immediately. This is the most dangerous in this disease.

It is natural for any person that he immediately applies to a doctor only when he has severe pain. And the superficial symptoms that indicate the possible presence of polyps in the digestive organs, many simply ignored.

This situation is fraught with the fact that the disease develops uncontrollably, with each passing day progressing more and more. The danger of this is enormous, because the larger the new growth, the faster it can go into the stage of malignancy. And besides, large defects can easily block any narrow passage in these organs, thus causing obstruction.

Therefore, if any, even the most lubricated symptoms, suggesting the possible presence of polyps in the patient, you should immediately call a specialist for complete diagnosis and detection of these benign neoplasms.

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