Acute toxic pancreatitis, pancreatic intoxication

One of the types of acute pancreatitis is the toxic type of the disease. The toxic origin of the disease is observed in 35% of cases of acute pancreatitis. This is a dangerous form of the disease, which often leads to pancreatic necrosis. Patients with this form of the disease often have a general severe condition, multiple hemorrhages in the gland, the formation of abscesses in the organ and intoxication of the body.

Toxic pancreatitis occurs due to poisoning with chemicals that are a poison for the pancreas. These substances can be acids, stale food products( especially eggs and fish), alkalis, phosphorus, salvarsan, pentamidine, didanosine, mercaptopurine, azathioprine, ranitidine, metronidazole, cimetidine, thiazides, procainamide, corticosteroids, tetracycline, furosemide, ergotamine,some enzymes, acetaminophen, scorpion poison, ethyl / methyl alcohols, more than 80 medicines and other toxins.

Most often, acute toxic pancreatitis is affected by people whose work is associated with constant contact with poisonous substances, as well as those who abuse alcohol. Among our compatriots, the toxic or alcoholic form of pancreatitis, especially the second one, occurs in more than 90% of those who abuse binge drinking.

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The presence of pancreatic intoxication is easily determined by the biochemical analysis of the patient's blood, in which there is an increase in alkaline phosphatase, amylase, high diastasis is observed in the urine, the color of the skin on the abdomen is marble and cyanotic, limbs and face are cytotic. This change in skin color occurs in connection with the poisoning of the subcutaneous capillaries.

This pancreatitis is part of a group of diseases that, along with hepatitis, encephalopathy, toxic heart disease, and diseases of other organs, can be caused either individually or several times, under the action of alkaloids, which are a poison for many organs, causing an intoxication of the body.

This form of the disease usually occurs in the middle or severe degree of intoxication of the pancreas. To facilitate the doctor's choice of treatment tactics and determine the volume of infusion therapy, based on the analyzes and instrumental methods of research, try to establish the degree of organ damage and the cause that led to intoxication of the body, as well as reduce the impact on the body of this negative factor.

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