Diarrhea and white tongue

After a night's sleep, many people get covered with a white coating that is easily removed after brushing their teeth. Such a plaque appears as a result of a decreased function of the salivary glands, which do not cope with the products of activity accumulating in the oral cavity, which were released during the processing of food. The plaque consists of a complex mixture of saliva, epithelium and food residues. In their environment, bacteria and fungi develop, which serve as a food for leukocytes. If the plaque is dense, and with this diarrhea is observed, then this indicates the presence of painful changes in the human body.


Dyspeptic phenomena and white language are typical in the presence of the following diseases:

  • dysbiosis;
  • acute gastritis;
  • dysentery;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • infection with worms or infectious lesions of the intestines, manifested by diarrhea.

In addition, similar symptoms can be caused by alcohol poisoning. Alcohol abuse, especially if diarrhea is manifested, leads to dehydration of the body. In turn, when dehydrated, a white coating appears, covering the tongue with a dense layer. With increasing signs of dehydration, the plaque becomes yellowish and subsequently changes color to dark yellow, and has an unpleasant odor. By the nature of the location of white dense plaque in the language, you can make a preliminary conclusion about the causes of diarrhea. If the tongue is white on the entire surface, then, most likely, you can talk about dysbiosis or acute gastritis. In this case, there should be other signs, including a systematic disorder of stools in the form of diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, weight loss and some others.

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With the localization of white plaque at the root of the tongue and the presence of diarrhea, the likelihood of developing pathological changes in the large intestine increases. With the arrangement of white formations in the middle of the tongue, the possibility of duodenal ulcers is determined. To improve the effectiveness of treatment it is desirable to conduct a survey, get consultations of a gastroenterologist and, if necessary, an infectious disease specialist. When choosing a method of treatment, one should take into account that diarrhea and white language are symptoms of pathological changes, not disease. If the causes of these symptoms are known, then you can use traditional medicine and drugs to strengthen the chair. Treatment in difficult cases begins after the diagnosis.

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